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Well, naturally as we age life becomes more burdensome and painful just to live through in general.

However, I was more referring to how the world has become increasingly more authoritarian, freedoms and rights have been slowly cut and limited as the years march on by- and the climate is in the beginning stages of full blown collapse which we will see increasingly cause worse and worse ramifications in the coming decades…

That on top of the current geo-political status of the world becoming more and more violent, unpredictable and economies going straight into the dumpsterfire after covid, we could wake up tomorrow to world war 3 which will almost undoubtedly escalate to nuclear Armageddon…

Even if that’s avoided the declining 1st world populations being inundated with massive floods of people from the rest of the world to stem the stagnating or declining native populations will lead to decades if not centuries of unrest and continual ‘mostly peaceful but fiery riots’ across said nations, it should have been seen that importing millions of military aged men from cultures & nations which hate your lifestyle, values and culture in general was always going to lead to this…

Oh, don’t forget the elite cabal of the super rich that control the world want the general populace to “own nothing and be happy.” You will live in the pod, you will eat the bugs, you will consume the product & you better smile while doing it!

To top the cherry of the cake that is the almost assured struggle which will be the next century or so is the ongoing AI revolution, which has massive ramifications that will completely upend society as we know it once AGI/Sentient/Super-Intelligent ai is created which almost seems inevitable at this point… Who knows how that will end, either in technological advances only dreamed of in the most wild sci-fi or perhaps our complete extermination by a near god like intellect that sees humans as nothing but an illogical, violent, parasite on the world that offers nothing but negatives to them and themselves… Even in the best case scenario it will result in a change for society & humanity in general that will be comparable to the industrial revolution, adoption of agriculture & discovery of fire…

So yeah, that’s why I think the future holds an unfathomable untold amount of struggling, suffering, and wonders we may only dream of today.


Sure but it’s never going to be possible to know the absolute perfect title for any given topic, since public opinion and click through rate is a nebulous unknowable thing which could just as likely respond to a perfectly algorithmically selected title negatively as opposed to a joke title given on a whim could garner far more interaction.


There will never be a “best title” for things, since its all subjective and you never know what will gather more clicks or interaction than another- an algorithm for choosing the most likely relevant title may exist however its never guaranteed to perform better than another one.


Thats ultimately the goal of everyone, no?

But something like that reality is not coming any time soon for the vast majority of the world population, even if ai becomes sentient & benevolent, the third world will be waiting decades for any kind of meaningful automation of their jobs happens.

Hopefully in a distant future where Super intelligent Ai does literally everything human life doesnt become meaningless and pointless, without struggle, nor a reason to live or strive towards anything besides what the individual can come up with for themselves, no matter how futile it is in a future dominated in every aspect by ai 100000x’s smarter than themselves.


I’ll be honest until I heard controversy about people thinking that avowed was going to be shit & obsidian saying it’ll be “good guys dont worry!” I didn’t even know it existed, until like a week or two ago lol.


Exactly, everyone’s goal is to ‘be the best at X’ so saying that LLaMA wants to usurp GPT-4’s dominance is just stating the obvious.


I’m more worried about them doing everything that humans actually like to do as a job- like painting, voice acting, creative exploits ect.

That’d put a lot of people out of a job and simultaneously take some of the most ‘fun’ things to do for a living.


Everyone’s trying to break the dominance of openai’s GPT4.


Cant say I blame you, nor can I really say that there’s anything waiting near the end to make you want to play it again, even if I could remember anything besides disappointment.
