MF_COOM [he/him]
Riding a bicycle
Dressing up for Halloween
A post for ants?
Good post Mr. Hickel make 'em cry
Comically evil
My target pace is 10min/mi as compared to by current training pace of 6:30/mi.
Is this a typo? Did you mean it the other way around? Your target pace is slower than your current training pace?
And yeah running is time consuming especially when the distances get longer. When I’m training I just try to do one 10-15k run every weekend and when I have time I might do one moderate distance run in the week but mostly don’t. You can still add distance pretty easily only doing that frequency.
7 months is lots of time, especially for running. And 15 miles is like, what, a little over a half marathon? Yeah the altitude might be a big adjustment but it’s not hard to titrate yourself up to 24 km in 7 months.
I might suggest training a little closer to the full distance than you might normally otherwise to give you a bit of a chance with the altitude, but other than that you’re fine if you train and stick with it.
(Also the stakes are pretty low, if the altitude gets the better of you you can just walk a few hills not that big a deal haha)
Good on you for pushing yourself comrade
Listening to the Chapo election eve live episode with Episode One. It’s crazy how unfunny the Chapo guys are in comparison, kind of similar to their DNC ep with Trueanon they’re just not on the same level