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I’m in agreement with comrade fanonfan over here somewhere. As to say the answer is no, at least for the reasons you stated, this type of individual action is pointless towards making a dent on the system, you should make your surroundings comfortable, and the most important part is to understand the harm of the system and of its parts and of buying a particular type of product makes you feel extra bad, by all means avoid it, but just express yourself in the manner you like best, a comrade happy and active is better than a sad comrade in boicot of companies that often cannot fail under capitalism. Do what feels right to you, if being minimalist is rewarding and gives you that rebelious feeling great, but it js by no means a general recommendation.


I don’t hate them equally cause neo nazism is a very particular form of awful, plus I think that NATO being fucked over and prevented from spreading east is a win for everybody, but yeah Russia is no angel indeed very far from it but as I see is the least bad side of this conflict. Or whom the victory stands to result in the best geopolitical consequences as I see it


I think the sub par seems likely, although the NATO falls apart bit seems wonderful


Well, there is more to it coming from Brazil, like it is true that there is a lot of good will towards the BRICS members and with straightening ties with China, but it’s important to not make it seem that Brazil’s internal politics are more to the left than they actually are, there are some very pro market and austerity inducing measures in course in Brazil, that bodes poorly for the short to mid term future. There is a need here for grater popular protests and movements, and there are some groups showing promise on the subject, but the situation here is not good, although Lula’s posture on international matters are nothing short of amazing, his team of ministers here are a far cry from what it would be expected of him. TLDR: Things are good, on one side, but really not good on the other.


Is there anything in the US that is not basically a dumpster fire right now?


But wasn’t at least in part the white folks that helped establish the stereotype that balck people like fried chicken cause it’s cheap?

Could it be that the current economic crisis is weighing down on some white people that used to be able to choose other types of food and now are being pushed towards cheaper food(like firied chicken) and now are hurt by being lumped together with the black stereotype that they helped build?


Keep up with comrade yogthos around here, its how I do it


I think it’s not a good look to say you’ll shoot a classmate, even in hypothetical, I think it was better dismissing the hypothetical as nonsense, which it is, answering it with the question, would you condemn your population to violence and hunger? Otherwise yeah it’s not wrong to have that stance just think you could go about it a little more gracefully, cause one problem is that when we are THE communist some people know they’ll judge communism based on US and the optics of how you went about it might lead them to believe communists are more trigger happy then they are.
