I have family at the heart of everything I do. I believe in personal responsibility, transparency, fairness, and at the foremost developing people.
Awesome. Thank you!
Thank you for everything you do. Have a great new year and 2024
I played and completed at launch with all the bugs. Really enjoyed it. Just recently completed it bug free and pre-phantom. I really love that game.
@randint. Lemm.ee admins are now dealing with multiple reports from this thread. In reviewing the conversations they are heading off topic and some have become arguments and abusive. As such I will be locking this post now before there is either further escalation of more significant levels of reporting.
Thank you for the comparison. I had really trouble deciding which one to buy and settled for the RG53XX but wondered what I was missing with the Miyoo. Was tempted to buy the miyoo too but I will not now. I might invest in a different form factor other than the GB lookalike.
Time for a monthly moot. Or we could go to war with the others?
First of all I would like to offer my support to Sunaurus for this post. I thank him for raising this issue to our instance and for continuing to be discussion led and transparent. I also ask that we discuss this so we are best informed on the Hexbear subject.
I also agree what Sunaurus is saying but would add;
We try to encourage people to engage in a healthy way here on Lemm.ee. Also looking throughout the Fediverse which is growing at the moment we look to encourage that same engagement. This will ensure it’s long term success and resilience. I believe that healthy discussion promotes new ideas, innovation and learning. I do not believe that any abuse, victimisation, harassment or active discrimination has a place.
In the recent days I have seen increased reports coming from content or comments made by Hexbear users. However from what I am seeing although there is a lot, mostly they do not cross the line for significant action although a minority do. So at this time from what I have seen Defederation is not obvious a decision to me. I am expecting the behaviour and style of comments to calm once the excitement of Federating passes. I am also encouraged by the positive steps of the Hexbear admins.