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I just don’t feel like Reddit management remembers what the point of their system is. If they have such contempt for the mods and the users, what even is the point anymore. I get that they need to make money, but they need to do it in a way that keeps reddits positive aspects. This can’t end well, the only hope for them is if enough people leave and they readjust their perspective and become a little more self aware. I’m not holding my breath…


This is me right now, I spent ~$2k on a bike 11 months ago instead of getting a second car for our household and had no idea if it would work out. At 1500 miles, almost all commuting, definitely worth the money. I back of napkin calculated that it pays for itself somewhere between 2k-3k miles with saved gas, wear and tear, etc. Also my wife wanted to buy a Tesla as a second car, and me leaving her the car during the workday has essentially saved us ~$45k in that respect. In better shape, eating better, sleeping better, and bike commuting has a lot to do with it.


Monitor mounting arms that connect to the back of the desk. I have 3 times as much room on my desk now. It’s amazing how much room monitor stands really take up. It’s not just the actual stand but really the surrounding area because you can’t really set any large objects in the vicinity. It really is a game changer to gain a lot of desk space.


North Bayou, but only because I got a deal on them for cheap. Not sure if they are any better than any others, but they work as intended. Edit: these might be them: https://a.co/d/0MJRj7B

2 points

A lot of safety features when driving don’t exist because of perception more than anything. There was once a push to have car drivers wear helmets. The car lobby instead lobbied to have bicycles wear helmets to change public perception. The truth is wearing helmets in cars would save exponentially more lives than on bicycles. They ended up on bicycles to make people feel like car alternatives are dangerous, even though nothing we do day to day is more dangerous than driving a car. A five point harness is probably a good idea, it would just never get past the car lobby. They don’t want people to be reminded that they are driving coffins.

Your example was not a good one because it misunderstands why we don’t have those things.


While I agree, there are other reasons to hate on them even if they improved in one place… Deceptive marketing, melting cards, poor vender management, etc


Related question, why the fuck do some people feel it necessary to grunt, moan, pant, and otherwise loudly vocalize while shitting? Zero people want to hear you, shut the fuck up, you are gross.


I think this cultural blame on SUV/truck drivers is misguided, and I pedal a bike to work and share a car with my wife. While I try to make responsible decisions, the impact I can have on the environment is tiny in comparison to large corporations and billionaires. Largely my “sacrifice” is meaningless, past giving me exercise and making me feel good about my decisions. If every middle income or poor person in the world did their best within the system to make responsible environmental decisions we would still be headed to, and in, a climate catastrophe. Policy has to change and corporations have to be forced into making more responsible decisions. An electric car is still an incredibly inefficient use of energy. But I can’t force my city to add public transit to make not owning a car viable. Large properties and spread out infrastructure is also killing the environment, but I can’t personally force city councils across the country to scale back single family zoning in favor of multi use zoning.

The main place regular people are failing is not what they drive, but who they vote for, imo.


“Centrism is a political outlook or position involving acceptance or support of a balance of social equality and a degree of social hierarchy while opposing political changes that would result in a significant shift of society strongly to the left or the right.” - Wikipedia

Seems like you are describing being an independent, not a centrist, imo.
