
MoreAmphibians [none/use name]

2 posts • 335 comments
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Move the Radio Free Asia one to the good pile. I like that one.


They’re not dying from zombie bites, they’re dying with zombie bites.


Here is some “propaganda” for you to refute https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Iran

Following the pro-Shah coup d’état that overthrew the Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953, the Shah again cracked down on his opponents, and political freedom waned. He outlawed Mosaddegh’s political group the National Front, and arrested most of its leaders.[13] Over 4000 political activists of the Tudeh party were arrested,[14] (including 477 in the armed forces), forty were executed, another 14 died under torture and over 200 were sentenced to life imprisonment.[13][15][16]

During the height of its power, the shah’s secret police SAVAK had virtually unlimited powers. The agency closely collaborated with the CIA.[17]

According to Amnesty International’s Annual Report for 1974–1975 “the total number of political prisoners has been reported at times throughout the year [1975] to be anything from 25,000 to 100,000.”[18]

Wow, that is super fucked up. I hope somebody overthrows the Shah.


The Delta-V (change in velocity) to reach the ISS (400km) in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) is 9.4km/s. This is the absolute minimum so it doesn’t include things like drag or other inefficiencies. Getting to space takes only about 1.4km/s, just about all the rest of that delta-v is used to accelerate the spaceship to 7.6km/s. This is about the minimum speed, altitude, and delta-v to get into orbit and stay there. Going much lower than the ISS will have your orbit decay too much to stay in orbit for more than weeks or months. I think it would take about 8000m/s to orbit right at 100km but your orbit would decay really quickly at that altitude, you would only get a few hours of orbiting.

I think I answered you below about why you can’t to orbit using only a railgun.

Edit: Going from earth orbit to other places doesn’t take as much delta-v as you might think. Going from earth orbit to lunar orbit only takes about 3km/s and going from earth orbit to mars orbit takes 5.7km/s.


I was just reading about this the other day: Like Bernie wants to stop resourcing Israel, some US politicians had a condition that Azov would not be assisted. But apparently the Pentagon got that overruled

I think that was way before Israel’s current massacres. Congress banned providing direct support to Azov in 2015 and then unbanned direct support in 2016 under pressure from the Pentagon. There might have been another attempted ban after that, I don’t remember. Even when the ban was in place it’s not like it was hard to get around, they just had the Azov guys join a different battalion for the duration of the training (and wear long sleeves).



No, you skipped the whole thread. There’s nothing cool about nazis. They’re a plague to everyone. When invading countries and when infighting against the invaders.

That’s great, so you would you agree that the US should stop providing money, training, and weapons to Ukraine and its Nazi (and Neonazi) paramilitaries?

By the way, here’s a source of Zelensky saying it’s “normal and cool” for people to think that Stepan Bandera is a hero: https://www.kyivpost.com/post/6768


“The Waffen-SS is a bad look for Germany, even though they fight against Russia’s judo-bolshevik forces”

Did the fact that Zelensky and the entire Canadian Parliament give a standing ovation to a Waffen-SS member cause you any sort of ideological dissonance? Or do you agree with Zelensky that its “normal and cool” for people to support Nazi collaborators?


Then again, Donbas backed by fascist Russia and Ukraine having neonazi groups fighting each other, anti-fascists can’t support either. Mathematically considering, Russia’s invasion succeeding would promote more fascism to spread. What would prevent them or others in the future?

Which Donbas neonazi groups are you talking about? The only one I’m familiar with is Rusich group, which consisted of 30 or so guys. That’s less neonazis than you find in single US marine battalion. The other example I can think of is that one Senior Lieutenant who wore the R3ICH operator skull and a valknut while receiving an award. There’s been back and forth on that guy and if those patches were looted. The R3ICH skull in particular is heavily associated with the Ukrainian military’s neonazis and is sold by the same company that makes Zelensky’s famous green clothes, Zelensky himself has been photographed with his bodyguard prominently displaying the R3ICH skull. It was a bad look for the Lt. either way but he’s still just one guy.


Donbas is part of Ukraine. “Russia going home” doesn’t mean they just retreat to areas where they already removed a significant portion of the Ukrainian population and replaced them with Russian sympathizers

You know I’ve never heard about this. The line I usually hear is Russia has brainwashed the Ukrainians there into becoming “Russia-backed separatists”. How much of the population of Donbas has been forcibly removed and are there any reputable western media sources where I can read more about this?
