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Eddie Hitler
0 posts • 33 comments

Don’t make me tell Spudgun where you live!

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I think the whole point is to keep them from merging. No centralization. That way you can up and down vote servers along with post or block certain servers altogether. Now they might be able to incorporate it some way in the app where you could group common instances and assign your own categories. That would work pretty well.


I was just thinking the same thing. I’ve been sorting my new and you can refresh every 10 or 12 seconds if you want to and more and more keeps popping up. I’m happy that I’m not seeing many spam post yet. Hopefully the hate community stay away also. Sometimes I think it’s better to have them out in the open though, where we can read and see and be reminded what we need to fight against.


I never had premium. But I deleted my 8-year account today. I took a screenshot as I was using power delete suite. I was tempted to make a throwaway account and post it to some of their subreddits that are still trending and see if I could start some kind of stupid little movement. Maybe they think a little bit longer if they start seeing people delete long-term accounts. And I’m sure there are lots of accounts out there that are much longer term and much higher Karma than me. Actually sacrificing some of those accounts could actually make a difference.


Seems that the past couple of days some subreddits have been removing links that suggest migration to any alternatives such as Lemmy, Kbin and Mastadon. Hopefully the exodus continues!!!


The closer you get to death, the more fascinated by you become. My grandparents died in the 80s. Last ten years before they died, my grandfather and his friends went to every funeral no matter who it was or if they knew them. You might think ha ha they went for the food, but they never went to the receptions/wakes. I think they basically just did it as a high five, I’m alive you’re dead type of thing. They did this until every one of them was dead. None of them were overly religious.


I hope it all burns 🔥🔥🔥 I deleted my two accounts. I went to the main page today without an ad blocker just to see what it’s like because I haven’t used it that way in like 8 years. It’s ridiculous it’s just filled with ads and spam now. I’ve been using RIF for most of my time on Reddit and there’s no going back. They should have let sleeping dogs lie.


It’s still amazes me how little polish there is to the official Reddit app compared to other third party apps. I used Firefox browser until I adopted RIF. I tried to use the official app after the deadline came and the amount of ads that I was bombarded with just became unbearable. I understand they need to make money. I understand they do this by advertising. But when they start using deceptive practices like blending the ads into genuine post they cross the line. I was a heavy user I would say greater than 2 hours a day spent on Reddit. I didn’t go cold turkey but I’m down to checking top and top last hour once or twice a day now. I deleted my main account which made it very easy to stay away.


Between Reddit getting rid of moderation tool, now Musk getting rid of block, it’s going to be a race for which becomes 4chan2.


Isn’t that the point of decentralization allowing users to pick and choose what they want to see? If you don’t want to see Loli all you have to do is block the server from your feed. I’m not a fan of Hentaiof any of its subs. But I digress, I’m not on your server so I guess I don’t really have a say. 😁


I hope the major subs stay dark. The only thing keeping reddit afloat is moderators. Without tools the mods would need full time paid positions which is never going to happen. I’d like to see them all burn. Its become a shit show of adds and bots now anyway. Good riddance. I wish someone would incorporate freenets web of trust system to some type of decentralized app like this.
