While I totally agree, and myself when or if I hit 80 probably wont be driving around, it will still happen. There will be stubborn 80 and above that will continue to want to drive for their independence. And if they want to, they should absolutely be tested.
Honestly tho, lets get real here for a minute. This is a large 1 ton machine that could easily kill someone. Shouldn’t we have mandatory tests eventually for everyone? I mean, after driving for 25 years or so, there have been rules that have changed, safety measures that are different than when I took drivers ed, and lets face it, my skills are nearly as sharp as they used to be due to complacency we all experience.
Wouldn’t that idea lower the amount of traffic fatalities a bit? I could see it turn into a cash grab and there would be strong opposition. I don’t know, maybe I’m just stoned.
Honestly, aspartame is terrible for me. I have a weird allergic reaction to it when all the sudden my sinuses go crazy and I feel like I have a cold. Lasts for 15 minutes or so if I have a sip of aspartame containing beverages. I’ll just stick to drinking sparkling water.
Posting a comment takes 20 seconds, I’ve seen a lot of duplicate comments from users, wondering if they are spamming the post button because it’s taking so long.
I do, but not nearly as much. My reddit time when from a couple hours a day, to maybe 15 minutes here and there when I’m at a PC only. Even then, it’s not as active. Only my local sub is because the community didn’t migrate.
Either one really. I’ve never had a specific pocket for anything. Are people really this organized? Am I the heathen?
Two year old article. Don’t think restaurants are screening for covid vaccines anymore.
Good, I completely agree with this. Maybe once they hit 80, every year.