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Some IT guy, IDK.

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I think you and I remember that scene differently. The example “intelligent” couple put off having children to focus on career goals, when they finally decided to go for it and had fertility issues, they were significantly older than when the scene began.

Loss of reproductive functions happens naturally with age, which is why humans have a so-called biological clock. That metaphorical bell rings when you’re at your biological peak for creating offspring.

The simpletons in the example, being driven more by biological needs and fleeting desires. So they had children without regard to whether they could afford to or with any planning or foresight.

The intellectuals on the other hand were waiting for the right time, which, by the time that happened, fertility had dropped to the point where it wasn’t going to happen.

That’s what I understood from it, but idk. I’m just some guy


Can anyone tell me why there’s HP sauce there?

What do you do with it?


That sounds like an internal problem at your company.

I’d say they should fix that, but we both know they won’t.

You gotta do what you gotta do, to pay the bills.


Honestly, at this point in my life, I’m so apathetic that I couldn’t care less.

I grew up on the early internet, and I’m kind of part troll because of it. Since that’s the case, and I’m surrounded by THE STRAIGHTS all day at work, I like to confuse and concern them by using non-gendered or non-binary terms as often as possible to refer to anyone in my personal life, especially my significant other (aka “partner” ;) )

I try to see how long I can go before I give anything away.

In reality, I’m a plain and “normal” cis dude, with a typical straight relationship.

While I’m trolling a bit with it, seeing if anyone cares enough to question it at all, I’m trying to do my part in normalizing the use of engendered terms with my colleagues, so that non-binary people will be more easily accepted, and those that are living in the rest of the rainbow, who don’t want to be “out”, have a normalized way to talk about their relationship without judgement, and without needing to “come out” to people.

I’m just one small part of this. I’m trying.


Wasn’t fascism modelled after early feudalism?

There were obvious differences, fascism has more nationalism and racism, IMO, but at the core, aren’t they extremely similar?

I’m no expert on either. I just know enough to get myself into (and hopefully out of) trouble in these discussions.


Last I heard from the rumor mill is that he was right leaning but showed signs of disapproval of Trump specifically after he was elected the first time. Something about activism engagements related to stuff that was pretty opposite of whatever Trump wanted.

I dunno, I haven’t fact checked anything, but I don’t care to. Everyone is already picking his life apart (law enforcement and the public), which IMO, is pretty invasive.

If the LEOs wanted to know why he did what he did, I’m sure their sharpshooters could have found a way to not end his life in the process of stopping him. IDK, I’m not a sharpshooter either.


From the peanut gallery, aka me… Most business are run under a more fascist principle.

I’m not talking about how the business operates in the market, or whatever… I’m talking about internal organizational behaviour.

Things are often very “my way or the highway”, with management, owners, etc.

Of course, not all businesses, but most follow some fairly fascist ideologies. They’ll tell you where to be, what to bring, what to do, when to stop… And hey, where are your papers? … I mean… Where is your company issued identification card?

They’ll watch what you’re doing, monitor and surveil you as much as they are legally allowed, govern every moment that they can, of every day you’re working there.

Capitalism and the pursuit of profit is their objective, the governance is fascist.

Business leaders engage in fascism.

… Why are we surprised that this brain rot is leaking out into actual politics? Trump is literally known for running businesses… Mostly into the ground/bankruptcy, but still. His whole thing is him being the boss. The ruler and Lord dictator over his tiny island. How are we so surprised that he’s a fascist? Shocked picachu

The best move the Nazis made was convincing everyone that yeah, the Nazis lost and are gone forever… They’re literally hiding in plain sight.



There’s also cake that uses yeast/leavening:


So I’m pretty sure the ingredient angle is out, unless you want to go by proportion of sugar/flour/whatever, which is a much more involved discussion, but IMO, will also be a fruitless one…

I don’t think ingredients are the dividing line here between cakes/breads, IMO, it might be texture/consistency of the loaf, but even that’s a hard sell. There are some very dense breads and some very airy cakes.

I’m more leaning towards “cake” being a label we put on bread products when we deem it appropriate.

The fact that a lot of this was defined by medieval standards, where people did some pretty strange things, especially with naming, IMO, is the root of the problem. Today, as we create new things we have specific terms for them that defines that thing and limits on what the thing is and isn’t. A lot of scientific naming has been refined in the last century because of the bad/inaccurate naming of things, mainly because they were named and defined well before we had the technology to properly understand what we were looking at.

Culinary arts, which can be scientific, but the naming certainly isn’t, is not an exact science. If you take either of the above recipes and add an extra quarter cup of flour or something to either, it probably won’t ruin the product. It might make it taste different than intended, but probably not ruined.

In all the difference between cake and bread is blurry at best. At worst, cake is just a specific type of bread product, which is defined fairly loosely by how we feel about it.

As a related fact, muffins and cupcakes have been in a war for which one is better for you. Cupcakes can have fewer calories, but muffins seem to have better marketing, so people feel like they’re better/more healthy, than eating cupcakes.

I dunno, I’m just some guy.


Egg bread exists.

What’s your argument about eggs now?


I could say a lot on this, as I’ve been in the whole premium audio/audiophile thing for a little while (I don’t buy the hype, I just want something that sounds good but doesn’t break the bank).

What I want to mention is that cd shavers have a purpose, but it’s not necessarily good for audio/audio quality. To put it simply, if a disc is unbalanced and wobbles in the reader/player, it’s prone to errors. With audio, most of these errors are correctable, and at most generate artifacts in the sound (like ticks or pops), but with faster readers, usually with data storage (like 48x or 52x cd/dvd readers) those errors can cause some significant issues where the disc needs to be re-read. The wobble of the disc due to balance issues can be a significant factor at high speeds.

Shaving a disc, which is really just trimming excess material until the disc is circularly uniform, can reduce errors and increase access speeds.

While all of this is possible, in practice, it doesn’t really matter all that much.

I will finish by saying: you won’t notice if a CD/DVD/BluRay is in balance, but you will definitely notice if it’s significantly out of balance.
