
NewAccountWhoDis [she/her]

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More and more I become convinced that the human brain just isn’t set up to handle the internet properly. There is just no room within many people to stop giving a shit about the masses or individualizing everything.

People talk about mobbing as its called but what do you expect of the average person? Should we never voice criticism lest it be taken in an upsetting manner simply because someone else with no connection to us is being rude?

It’s not like these are connected groups or something, I have just as much control over @TrollThreatSender1999 as anyone else does, which is nothing. It’s on the platforms to handle.

You kind of see this in almost everything in online discussions in a sense. I’ve seen no shortage of “You people believe in X” in political arguments for example, often with little actual attempt to confirm that the person they’re speaking with does actually believe that. But so many people just lump them all together anyway because it makes things easier to process and handle.

And no offense but when you really look at these sorts of things the amount of active and direct harassment tends to be relatively minimal (at least compared to the number of people engaged in online discourse). It just feels overwhelming because you see so much criticism pouring in alongside the harassment that is actually happening and it melts our brain and we compartmentalize it all together as being harmful.


Honestly if you think about it why not just ban all books? Books have never done anything good for anyone and if you claim otherwise I don’t believe you.

If anything the Taliban is doing women a favor clearly but I don’t know why they’re so misandrist making men suffer from books still.


Shaun’s entire point isn’t even that we should accept lower standards, he was just saying we already live with these lower standards and people would be more accepting if it was for a good reason instead of a bad one.

People’s refusal to actually read is what causes this poor discourse.


The standards were created in the 1990s

THE 1990’S??? I thought this was gonna be one of those “Oh yeah it happened in the early 1900’s, no one does those anymore it’s just technically on the books cause we don’t update those” or something, not a recently created policy what the fuck
