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Doubt it. It’s just dumb low effort posting over here trying to force inside jokes on Lemmy. I blocked all of that sort of stuff back in the day on Reddit, and I blocked it here too.


I almost exclusively read non-fiction, but I just got done reading Slash’s autobiography (the guitarist for Guns N’ Roses among other projects), and that book kept me absolutely hooked from start to end. I have no idea how he’s still alive after the wild stuff described in that book.

I shifted from that to a book about the history of the US Postal Service last week, so it’s a pretty big contrast in tone.


Interesting. Millenials are pushing 40 now, so not sure if we still have the angst we did as teenagers, but I’m curious what this will look like. Barney was always viscerally hated on elementary school playgrounds in the 1990s though, for reasons that I still don’t really understand today. The show was what would now be referred to as toxic positivity aimed at young children, but there were tons of shows like that, so I never really understood why Barney got all of the hate rather than the other shows with identical premises.

I guess Barney is the TV version of Nickelback. Nickelback was just one of dozens of buttrock bands from the early 2000s, but for some reason, they attracted all the hate for the entire genre. Come to think of it, Nickleback should be on the movie’s soundtrack.


Open Street Map is legitimate. In bicycling communities, Strava is the gold standard app for tracking rides, and it uses Open Street Maps on the backend. It’s always super accurate for me, even for fairly obscure bike trails off the beaten path.


Just as a quick FYI, on the PS4 (and presumably the PS5 too), if you click on any of the hidden trophies, you can press square (I think) to show the description of how to earn it. This wasn’t possible in the PS3 era, but it’s one of the upgrades they implemented in PS4. That’ll save you a Google search.

As for why, as others have mentioned, it’s mostly for spoilers or hiding easter eggs that are more fun if you find them naturally rather than going out of your way looking to earn a trophy.


I agree, though hopefully this will pass with time as people default to Lemmy rather than Reddit for their downtime. That said, when the Titan submersible craft story broke a week or two ago, there was decent discussion on here. For the most part, comment threads are a ghost town aside from threads bitching about Reddit, but there are occasional exceptions to the rule that should become more common as people get adjusted here.




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If it weren’t for Spotify and Strava for bike rides, I would gladly get rid of my smartphone and replace it with a flip phone. Life was better before the entire internet traveled with you everywhere you go.


Can’t speak for the other apps, but on Jerboa, I get a “Network Error” every time I try to post. The post will go through, but from my end, it looks like it didn’t go through. A lot of people are getting similar messages, hence the double posts. All growing pains for a site not ready for the mass migration into Lemmy.


The past 15 years of growth in anything technology adjacent has been fueled by one thing: Extremely cheap debt. Interest rates have at been rock bottom since the 2008 crisis, and they’ve only started to tick up recently. That means the ability to fund infinite growth for basically nothing, so tech companies have relied heavily on debt financing.

Now though, that’s no longer viable. Silicon Valley Bank was very heavily involved with all these tech companies, and it went insolvent in March largely because of rising interest rates. They held a lot of long term bonds at low interest rates. In normal conditions, rising interest rates mean lower bond prices and unrealized losses, but not a major problem because they can just hold them to maturity and never realize the loss. Bank runs forced SVB to sell the bonds for huge losses though, turning unrealized losses into realized losses, and a non-issue into a major problem.

Now that cheap debt is gone, these tech companies are desperately scrambling to attain profitability. It hasn’t been discussed much, but this is a big reason for the changes at both Twitter and Reddit.


I’m curious about it. Watching the trailers, it looks like it could be a pretty sadly emotional sort of game. Apparently, you control the last mother fox trying to keep her babies alive surviving environmental destruction. Gameplay looks like a side scroller, which is a big plus in my book (my favorite PS+ games so far this year have been the 2D side scrolling indies Axiom Verge 2 and Tails of Iron).
