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Please don’t let the assholes who make you feel like shit manage to outlive you. You’re the kind of person I want living a long, happy life. Is there a short term goal you can sieze upon to just hold on a bit longer?

There’s an election coming up. Your vote matters more than it ever has before. Is there anyone you justifiably despise? Plan to dance on their grave. Don’t give into despair. Maybe get fucking mad about something, grab hold, and fight like hell.


I saw printed and video porn right around the time I hit puberty, decades ago, before there was internet in every home. And my parents didn’t have a scrap of it in the house. You think you can stuff that cat back in the bag? You wanna know what actually messed me up though? All the adults in my life absolutely losing their minds at the thought that I might be having sexual thoughts as a young teen. The guilt, shame, and denial of information is what messes up kids, because if they never told us anything, and made us feel horrible about it, surely we’d never have sex before marriage! Be careful, that can backfire on you.

Your kids are gonna see naked people doing it. You need to come to terms with that inevitability, and become the kinds of parents they can feel comfortable asking questions. Of course, growth is hard, and way too many parents delude themselves into believing that bringing some poor kid into this world bestows them divine wisdom and ultimate authority over what’s best for that kid, and never learning another damned thing again. It doesn’t. Parenting is a responsibility and a journey, not a coronation. Growing up doesn’t stop when you have kids. You cannot shield them from reality. It’s your job to guide them through it; to raise them into adults, not to keep them children forever.

You certainly have no right, or even ability, to legislate the nature of reality for others until you feel safe. That deluded fantasy is far more poisonous to society than people having sex on camera. It simply does not matter if you’re uncomfortable with an aspect of parenting. The world does not give a fuck. Nobody ever said parenting was comfortable. Accept what you cannot change, and help your kids become functional adults. You cannot imagine how much I wish my parents had.


Man, I just wanna live in a hut for a year by a beach in an island fishing village that Instagram never found. No crowds please, thank you. I want to pay $5 for big bowl of fish, rice, and tropical fruit. I want to snorkel on a coral reef all day, then smoke a bowl and watch the stars all night. I won’t even be a lazy slouch. I’ll lend a hand to anybody in town with almost anything. And yes, I know these places are long gone now.

Creeping on girls has nothing to do with it.


I grew up there. I always, always hated living in FL. I fled that shithole 15 years ago. The only thing I ever appreciated was the natural beauty, and every time I go back to visit, they paved over more of it.


Mark my words. These people are not just willing, but eager to unleash nuclear hellfire in the Middle East, under the ludicrous delusion that they can fulfill prophecy and force Jesus to return. They shouldn’t be trusted to run fast food joints or craft supply stores, much less a superpower. It’s an apocalypse cult. They’ve convinced themselves that they’re better than everyone, but their religion spread across the globe by genocide, enslavement, and forced conversion, not by loving their neighbors. They have been trying to end the world for 2000 years.


Reporter SLAMMED for overuse of the word SLAM in clickbait titles.

Probably not even written by a human though, really.


“I feared for my life!”

Yeah I’ll bet you did.

Fucking coward.


As a veteran, if a woman had done this to me, I wouldn’t even be mad. That’s hilarious, and I’d tell everybody.


I often work in rural TX. I’ve had a number of Texans suggest I ought to move there, cause muh freedums. Yeah, I target shoot a little, but I’m lefty as hell. I talk about guns sometimes to deflect questions about my politics.

They are so full of themselves. They think because great grandpa was a cowboy that they inherit all his toughness. I don’t know how grandpa lived, but I know Texans today live mostly in air conditioning and love shopping, huge portions, and convenience. They’re fully convinced there is nowhere better on Earth. But no, I’ve been all over the Earth. TX sucks and I’d never move there.
