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Weird how they feel the need to announce it instead of just having it. Almost like announcing it serves a social function, and it is obvious if you frame the same phenomenon through another bias:

“I only sleep with blond haired blue eyed white women”

Also fuck you have no idea how often I hear something about how trans women are unfuckable after turning a guy down.


The ideas that you are proposing are less feasible than socialism. They’re literally long term impossible within the logic of capitalism. Which you’d know if you read Marx who lays out why it doesn’t work in excruciatingly detailed and well researched ways.


Hey, it looks like your heart is in the right place, I would really suggest you read a bit about participatory democracy and whole process people’s democracy (although the latter has a lot of misinfo about it) I would also try to understand the socialist argument from one party democracies and how they lead to more generative conflict (that is, collegeal onflict that genuinely resolves problems and addresses needs in a way that achieves democratic consensus)

I would also suggest reading some marx who talks a lot about how even regulated capitalism cannot function. I would not start with capital though.


Yeah, I’m defective for having experienced your “preferences” in other men resulting in men being really scary to me upon those men being rejected, and wanting to explain to you that men making sweeping claims about attraction to trans women can put trans women in danger when reality doesn’t match up so neatly.

Plus all the connection to stigma culture that reinforces transphobia but that is less acute.


Are lesbians bad because they don’t want to suck cock

I know plenty of cis and trans lesbians who love to suck cock. Just not men’s cocks.

And I am equally suspicious of lesbians who are like “trans men are an exception” because they generally either treat trans men like shit or realize they’re bi but only interested in dating and fucking other queer folks.

Yes, it is you who is egotistical because you believe that you should be able to dictate to me what I should like.

Not dictating to you what you should like, pointing out that what you’re saying doesn’t actually make sense when it comes to interacting with women in real life and not just looking up porn categories.


Yeah, I’m the egotistical one, not the cis guy trying to explain why it isn’t actually transmisogyny to a trans woman who has studied and experienced this specific form of transmisogyny.

You aren’t some static being where people attempting to change your mind about something you haven’t investigated is some violation. If that is what it feels like to you maybe you need to do some self reflection, because what I am describing to you is literally just the process of learning.

Edit: also men like you love to force your preference on me. Do you know how many times I’ve been cornered (because some men like to do that when hitting on someone) and had to be there for a man’s significant emotional event after realizing he was attracted to a trans woman? This is me being proactive so some trans woman doesn’t have to deal with your freak out if you end up hitting on a trans woman.


So in this metaphor trans people are AI, cartoons, and wax figures, and cis people are human?

Or, on a less confrontational tact, do you only experience attraction once you’ve confirmed that the person is cis? How does that work, do you ask for medical records before having an initial impression of people?


What do you mean by my preferences? I am annoyed when people spout bullshit that they don’t understand is bullshit and then get defensive when you tell them they’re wrong, stop playing the victim.


Well read on transmisogyny? How do you want me to point out to you that you’re incorrect? Like, earnestly, what is the right way to point out to someone that they’re being bigoted when they don’t know they’re being bigoted?

I know more on this than you

on a personal level- plenty of men hit on me and then when I speak in my non-passing voice to let them know I’m a lesbian react with disgust. Men who say they’d never be attracted to a trans woman have had no problem aggressively hitting on me

On an academic level- I’ve read a lot of feminist works on misogyny, and works on how transmisogyny operates.

You haven’t done enough study on the topic to have an opinion that you should personally stand by.

Unless you have investigated a problem, you will be deprived of the right to speak on it. Isn’t that too harsh? Not in the least. When you have not probed into a problem, into the present facts and its past history, and know nothing of its essentials, whatever you say about it will undoubtedly be nonsense. Talking nonsense solves no problems, as everyone knows, so why is it unjust to deprive you of the right to speak?


If you have issues with my tone maybe you should have raised the issue instead of me, because you obviously know how to do it better.

You can still collaboratively discuss with him why he is incorrect and how he is falling into ambient transmisogyny if you want.
