

4 posts • 53 comments
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A few I can think of right now:

AC/DC - If You Want Blood (maybe cheating a bit because it’s a compilation of songs from different albums, but it’s the best live album of all time to me and AC/DC at their rockingest.)

All Them Witches - Dying Surfer Meets His Maker or Nothing A The Ideal (both albums warrant a full playthrough almost always.)

Elephant Tree - Elephant Tree (my favorite album of the last decade)

Elder - Dead Roots Stirring (although Elder keep getting better and better, and are ever more amazing live, this album has a special place in my heart)

Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (masterpiece from beginning to end.)


Don’t mean to pry but in what way are your hands rebelling? Does it hurt to play?


I’m sorry to hear that you’re in so much pain. I hope you can find the help that you need. It sounds like a doctor might have to take a look at it.


I second the writing prompts idea, and would like to offer an additional idea which might be a little strange. I used to love this subreddit called “/r/worststory”. It was a place for writing prompts where the idea was to intentionally create a terribly written story.

I got a lot of fun out of that subreddit, especially when there was a collaborative story thread. The basic premise of the subreddit made it a lot less daunting to post and easier to work out silly but creative ideas for stories.


That band dooms like few bands have ever doomed before. So good and so crushing live.


Hi dude, I think you might’ve posted this reply in the wrong thread :)


He was the best frontman motörhead ever had


I was in the north of Norway recently, and it was really weird how my sleep cycle was completely disturbed by the continuous light. I’d think it would get easier if you live there for a long time but apparently no?


“gate’s open come on in.” Burzimeth said, motioning the newest recruit into the office with a wave of his claw and a smile like a razor. “We’re having shorts day today, so I’m afraid you’re overdressed. You will do better next time I’m sure.” Another wave. “This here is Graftak, our expert on ennui. He’s going to be your mentor for the next [indeterminate]. This here is Yunsothalblirg, our office secretary. She will designate your alloted usage of the waterwarmer and the coffeesponge. And looking good while doing it. Ain’t that right babe?”

“what do you mean, you’re not supposed to be here?” Everyone loves it here and you will too. Won’t he, Snubrtyuftagingadplort? Of course he will! We are a team here and you are the newest member of our team. So what do you say, teamy? Teamy tim? Tim time teamy o buddy oh pal? Tim timminy Tim Timmity Timtimsharoo? Ha! You’ll love it here, and I can tell already you’re going to fit right in!

“Mark my words buddy, you’ll get the hang of it in no time. We have Muzak Mondays, Taco Tuesdays, Waffle Wednesdays, Taco Thursdays, Taco Fridays and on Saturday and Sunday we have soup and songs… And ocassionally tacos.” Every other week we alternate clothing and food so we never get bored! And we’re having a luau soon. Ah here is your desk, see. The chair is fitted to you specifically and the clockhands keep you at the desk for the [indeterminate]”

“Tim, my buddy, pal, friendorino. You’re not getting out that way.The gate won’t open again 'til management says you’ve done your part. Look, just give it some time. I’m sure you’re going to be a valued member here, licketysplit. All you gotta do is put in the work, put in the effort, be a team player, keep your hands on the ball and glue your eyes to the prize. Let’s you and me go forward together, we’ll get you onboard. We’ll touch base and keep socializing until we solutionize the heck out of this. Comprende comrade? Capiche cabron?”

[low groans of anguish, clicking of claws, the smell of burnt toast and, finally, the squishing of coffee]

“Ahh, that hits the spot, babe, thanks. Told you Timmy was gonna work out. The clockhands never fail to granulate and interrogaze. Oh, be a dear and get the poles will you? It’s limbotime.”
