

4 posts • 82 comments

Currently in love with all things fibre!

Trying to be the single crazy person bringing the unbridled fun of spinning yarn, crochet, and weaving to beehaw. I’m by no means an expert, just overwhelmingly passionate about all things wool. Toss questions my way, I’ll do my best to answer. :)

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I’m glad!! It’s a quiet place here, so every voice really counts, and posting when you can is really the best thing you can do for a small community like this :)


Yeah. When you write you end up having to prove to yourself that you’re a good writer. It’s sort of an ego thing, and when you make something bad you sorta worry that it will reflect poorly on you.

I don’t expect anything to ever fully cut through that anxiety. But providing a space to be “bad” in is something valuable.

Genuinely. If you’re not comfortable posting your writing, I’d still be more than delighted to send some activities, fuck it, I’ll post one now that I stole from Zoe Bee. It’s where you take the meaning of a sentence and try to write it’s inverse. So, like, “The dog was sleeping on the ground” becomes “The cat was awake in the roof” or what have you. Ofc it works better with more complex sentences but yeah.

Sorry, got taken away there. Prone to tangents. But yes. You don’t have to post something complete if you can’t manage it. And you sure as hell don’t have to post something good. This is, after all, a silly little forum post.


Do whatever you please, it can be bad or good. But being bad is also, yes, the point. Your shitty writing is not only welcome, it’s also the guest of honour and I’m kissing it on its lips.


I’m a very flitty sort of person, and can be pushed off balance decently easily. My job is pretty fast paced, so I can’t just go for a walk or meditate for 10 minutes. So my rule is to not focus on everything coming up, but just focus on what’s directly in front of me. Which, yeah, I know sounds dumb but it honestly does work.

Instead of thinking “Oh, that line of customers is long” -> “Oh god I’m not going to be able to serve the customers fast enough” -> “oh my god they’re going to leave and I’m going to get in trouble for not being fast enough.”

I don’t even acknowledge the length of the line. Look directly ahead, and focus on what you’re doing right now. Shit will always be coming in from every direction, but quick steps make for shorter journeys.

Outside of work, hobbies, crochet, gardening. Getting in touch with nature is a big one for me.


In my experience, a community with even the most basic and rudimentary filter to join has consistently higher quality people in the community. Kinder, more active, and better posts. A bigger community does NOT mean a better one, often the inverse has been true ime but blah blah analogies aren’t evidence.

I like that the mods are prioritizing healthy growth over just growth. It’s easy to look at number go up and get excited, then to open the flood gates. And whenever a community does that, a bunch of people whom are not wholly interested in the point of the community swoop in and push out the invested crowd.

The only downside would be wanting to answer something more personal, but making a throwaway account isn’t exactly easy with this system. That’s, really, the only downside I can immediately point to.


Yeah, I think there’s a novelty factor in a lot of “innovations” that claim to be the secret to solving climate change. And while not inherently bad they sort of miss the picture in my opinion. Like, the future, in my opinion, should be made of trains and apartments. The dull things that we know work.

On a much more insidious level (not that I think anyone here has ill intent, nor the people working on these technologies) it almost implies that we don’t have the technology to stop our impact on the climate. We have the technology, it’s all political will.


cries in Australian don’t think I’ll get any here…



Jkjk, it’s meant to be a midweek treat for my workplace. Thursday is the middle of the week for us. But yes. I know fruity Friday works so much better, so I just act Extra Gay those days.


God, I. I don’t know why, but just you bringing up the ability to have a post last for more than a few hours… It hit me for some reason.

I never really realized, but reddit always felt so fast, looking back. A constant, unending stream of novelty. And the only way to be heard was to get in before the rushing tide. It’s nice here. I can reply to the people who talk. I’ll post and people will engage, I can engage. It’s obvious now but I can’t believe I didn’t notice for so long.


Fun fact, pineapple was originally on this one. But the pineapple I bought, when cut open, was genuinely the most disappointed I’ve ever been in a pineapple in my life. Poor thing was so pale I’d have thought it had seen a ghost (if it had the eyes or mind to be spooked by one that is).

But coconut! Ohh you’re right, if I manage to find one I aught to try it.
