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Pastor Haggis
2 posts • 87 comments
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I’ve been thinking of going back to linux off and on again. The last time I did it, the games I wanted didn’t work on Linux but that was, primarily Halo Infinite, but at this point most of those games suck. I’ll have to check if Diablo will work and I’ll especially be upset if Started doesn’t work, but Linux is very enticing again.

The other issue I had last time was seeing fan curves was a nightmare, so I’ll just have to find a good tool for that.


I’m a little late to the discussion but as someone who use to have a similar commute (albeit as a college intern) and had no WFH option, I’d start looking to either move closer or change jobs. If it’s your dream job, it have to decide if it’s worth the sacrifice. For me, I’d rather have a shorter commute and work a job I didn’t like as much but I have coworkers now who don’t mind the drive.

Ultimately, it’s up to you. Make a pro con list, talk to your significant other if you have one. I’ll also give you the advice that my dad gave me that has guided my career. The first is “the best time to look for a job is when you have one.” The second is “sometimes it’s worth a pay cut for your sanity if you can afford it.”


I was somewhere around a year or two old. I can vividly remember me and the two neighbor girls who were 2 and 4 years older than me going into the bathroom and flushing some bath toy down the toilet, my dad being mad, then me asking if I could have it back when he unclogged the toilet.

I also distinctly remember trying to find a toy that for a while I thought was a fake memory that I made up. The toy was a small version of a T-16 Skyhopper that came with a Luke action figure. I had to have been 3 because that toy was 1999 and my memory was when we moved, and I remember that pretty well.

I also remember stepping on a carpet tack in our house, and I can even almost perfectly draw out that house’s layout even though it was in my first 3-4 years of life.


At this point, the internet is so goddamn unusable without an adblocker that I don’t know why anyone would try.

At work, I’ll occasionally start talking to someone about some fandom like Star Wars or Pathfinder or whatever. I’ll go to the wikia or fandom page for them and suddenly I get a million popups and half the page is covered in ads. It’s actually so bad that my work’s filter will occasionally block a site because they’ll say that the ads are too bad.

The only time I see ads now is when I watch YouTube or Hulu on my TV, but even then I try to cast from my desktop (though Hulu ads seem to break through). I understand the idea of supporting creators, but for most YouTubers, their money comes from the sponsorships, not from me watching an ad.



So late last year my dad cheated on my mom shortly after I got married. My mom found out a few months later and when she found out, she actually wasn’t planning on telling my brother and I because she didn’t know what she was going to do.

My dad, however, called me and my brother on video and immediately told us he fucked up. I was pretty hurt by it and ended up sitting on the phone with my mom for a few hours crying.

Part of me wishes I didn’t know, but at the same time my parents had a lot of issues in their marriage and it culminated in that, so they both sought counseling (separately and together) and they’ve been working on it. It still hurts and I wish it didn’t happen, but because they’ve been working it out it means I can see my parents have a better marriage than they did before.

The big thing, however, is that I’ve looked up to my dad for years. He officiated my wedding, I modelled my career after him; I’ve wanted to be a better version of him my whole life. Knowing it happened sucks, but I feel like it would be worse if I found out years later after I’d been looking up to him. If they got divorced and we didn’t know why, it would make it harder to support either one of them without context.


Damn, I’m sorry to hear that.

I am grateful that my dad has never been abusive to any of us. Thankfully my parents are working it out and obviously I’ll support my mom in her decision should she choose to leave him, but it’s been something like 4 or 5 months of them going through counseling and my mom believes that they will be stronger after it. It’s just shitty that my dad cheating was what was required for them to realize their marriage was broken.

It definitely hurt my perception of my dad, and maybe it’ll be damaged forever, but at this point it’s like starting at square one but as an adult with more perspective on life.


I’m getting an issue where sometimes when I open a post, it shows me some baseball game’s scores or something. It’s very odd and only really seems to happen on mobile (using Edge), but I don’t use Lemmy on my desktop quite as often yet so it could happen there.

Very odd.


I’ve moderated a few communities before but they were mostly messaging (PC Master Race steam chat mod specifically).

I will say I don’t always have the most time in the world, but if you’re in dire need of a mod, I could step in as needed.


I commented on reddit a lot but I do feel the need to be more involved here because I want to help build up the community. That said, I do want to be more careful about how I use my account. Avoid getting into discourse when I can, try not to argue with people as much.

I feel like I can be healthier on Lemmy if I go into it with a different mindset, and without Reddit’s dogshit algorithm, it might make it easier.


Yeah I’m not sure that it happens on desktop, but again I don’t use it on my desktop as often. I can even just refresh the page when it happens and the right one pops up, so I’m wondering if there’s an issue with ActivityPub potentially serving up the wrong post somehow.
