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Hockey people doing hockey things. I spent 10 years working in arenas. They don’t report how often people are assaulted at arenas. It’s nearly an every day occurrence in larger centers. It’s not always this bad but it happens regularly and makes others think it’s “just a part of hockey”.


I’m over it. Life goes on. Weird club though.


Yea but not that kind of political violence…


I am one of a handful of people in the world known to have been diagnosed and treated for a rare sarcoma cancer in an even rarer area of the body, that generally effects only women (I am a man).

It’s a really crappy club. I wouldn’t suggest joining.


I’ve got a 118 and I’m pretty sure I’m almost a cult leader now.


We have a small mixed veg farm and see a lot of changes. Especially recently. The past four years have been wild.

Our winters have gone from snow and cold October through April when I was a kid. To a few weeks of snow and cold in February mostly. We live on a very large salt water lake that used to freeze solid in winter. It doesn’t freeze enough to go ice fishing on now.

Our autumn has extended into December each year. We keep outdoor gardens from April to November now and in the 80’s when I was a kid I covered up every Halloween costume with a snow suit and fought my way to people’s doors.

Our springs have little to no rain when compared historically. We are by the Atlantic ocean and fog and rain are part of life but not so much any more.

Summers are hot now. Very hot with very high humidity. We’ve started having forest fires which were rare before due to the wet environment. Rurally there are water shortages from wells in many areas.

We’ve always had hurricanes but now they are much much more frequent and much more devastating. We are also having flash floods now regularly and power outages from heat which was previously unheard of.

We are seeing more large predator sharks and bluebottle jellyfish from across the Atlantic and our fishing grounds are moving further north as the ocean warms.

The forests are very dry and we are losing species to invasives, temperature extremes and bugs at unprecedented rates. Migratory birds are fewer than ever and we tend to have a lot of summering and breeding grounds here. The bugs don’t coat the car like they used to when we drive to town for groceries and we see this in our gardens and greenhouses as well.

It’s scary stuff. We live in an area where we can watch the changes happen in real time and yet deniers are everywhere.


I’m all about making stuff for my house. An old tool or car part, some plumbing supplies, some wired LEDs and a you tube video or two.

Or a hand made paper lantern, some wire or a lampshade frame, hot glue and cool papers or images you like.

Same idea but fabric…Go to the thrift stores and look for tapestries or cool fabrics. Hit the fabric store for trims and frills and edging. Wire lampshade frame in a cool shape, glue.

Crafting wire, bags of various beads can help too.

Outdoorsy… try one made of willows. Go collect some willow, or similar supple switch type tree. weave it or get a few nails or wire and get creative. A simple box or more difficult sphere.

Are ya weird? Look for large doll heads. Pop the eyes out, cut a hole at the back of the mouth. Drill some holes all over. Give it a wacky haircut and die job. Hot glue some colored felt inside so the holes can glow when you light it up.

Really cool glass jar or vase. Rig up a hanger. Get some glass frosting supplies. Make cool patterns with tape and design it how you like. More frosting less direct light.

Find the industrial salvage place in your area. Go have a look for objects you can turn into a light. Maybe you find a cool old exit sign or something you like.

You can get all kinds of LED fixtures. All the shapes sizes and colors you can imagine. Find one that fits what you are making afix it inside or drop a smart bulb in the socket and make a.hanger of some kind for the fizture. Check the hardware store for things to use as hangers, or the industrial salvage place

So many things.

The dollar store and thrifting can be great places to get supplies and inspiration. Large fabric and Craft stores or bezosville will have stuff too. Industrial salvage. Pawn shops. The local buy and sell for cool objects.

Edit: dimmer switch guy also has a good point.


We live in Canada in a very rural area. We’ve opened our door to strangers. Gave people a place to sleep and a hot meal, even let them live with us for a time to get their feet under themselves. I’d hope someone would do the same for my family if they needed it.

Side note: one of these folks is actually here today having supper with us and hanging with the kiddos. She’s got a job and a house now and going back to school in September. Two years ago we let her set her tent up here and use the washroom for a few weeks.
