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Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.

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Completely unrelated, I baked a fondant topped cake as part of my senior project in high school years back, it was the first and last time I ever dealt with fondant, it’s the most annoying thing to work with with a cake and it tastes so bad, it looks good but dang does it ruin any cake


Lesson learned, they regularly do this if you have a website that one of their crawlers hit as active. If you really care about it check in about a year later, chances are if you have an inquired within a year they’ll release the domain and you can pay normal sale price for it


Killed Linux gaming? I hard disagree with that. Yes developers may not do Native ports as often anymore but I would much rather have the ability to play games that are not considered a native Port because the ocean is so much vaster. If anything proton in the steam deck put Linux on the map, prior to the deck AAA titles you would never see running on Linux you barely saw AA titles on it. However with the introduction of the steam deck in proton we now have companies moving closer to at least making sure their game is compatible with the deck which is one step closer to allowing it to be Linux compatible. It allows you to take your windows games and for the most part just be able to play it without having to have the studio spend as much for it as they would with a native port, because that’s the number one thing that holds them back from making a native Port the lack of market share. I would not have switched off of Windows if this was not the case because that was basically the only thing that was holding me on Windows still was the lack of decent gaming support

Let’s take Elden Ring for example, it plays beautifully I haven’t had a single problem playing it. They weren’t going to release a Linux branch but they made sure it was steamdeck compatible, which meant that it was proton compatible which then allows me to play this amazing game on my Debian 12, a game that otherwise would not have worked because none of the other translation layers function with it. I notice zero difference in performance it plays flawlessly, but I would not have been able to play this game otherwise. It might as well be a native Port because I’ve had zero issues with functionality.


this is timber born but with cats, I’m hoping it’ll have some differentiating factors between the two but it definitly has more similarities than differences judging by the trailer.


like I said in the last line of the comment, I stated “starting too” It hasen’t hit the limit for me yet. I expect it eventually will, in which case I will move on as the online world goes

unless you mean this community, in which case because I find the images posted funny/entertaining and it doesn’t match the same atmosphere as X does so it doesn’t annoy me


What I don’t understand is why a system as broken as that is allowed federal aid for it, if insurance companies are allowed to cherry pick, I feel the feds should be able to as well. but I don’t really understand the state system lol


Depending on what is said, in most cases “freedom of speech” doesn’t include the right to slander or harass people. While the company didn’t elaborate on what was actually said, the examples that they don’t allow all include things that would normally not be protected by said freedom of speech laws, those acts being announcements of violent acts, threats, and intimidation

that being said, it shows the culture differences between Japan and where I live because I could never imagine a company directly assisting an employee with those types of cases here.


Now introducing, The Sims - Remastered! Now with an online community store to maximize your potential sim needs!


Honestly, this was likely for the best. With the direction of sims 4, I don’t think Sims 5 would have done well, yes I was interested in it but, I fully expected it would be a game I was passing on due to corporate greed. Sims 4 was missing critical core mechanics for the sims games, relying on DLC to add it in postfacto. it has the same clock bugs that sims 3 had, without the requirement of the game being a longlasting game with a lot of items, and was missing base items that was logical that a life sim would have (like alarm clocks… lol) I think them releasing the sims 5 with that tendancy in their studio would mark the end of the genre for them, and I think they knew that.


I do agree, it would be a theft risk, I believe it would work best with the antenna actually being in the road instead of above it to remove risk factors, but you also lose range doing that, since something like that would likely be passive not active to avoid requiring a power source, although active would be better but again, $$
