

10 posts • 74 comments
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My issue with Jerboa has been that it doesn’t register when I have copied things so it’s difficult to paste links/articles/quotes.

I might try out Sync so that I can contribute more informative responses, but I like the idea of Jerboa being open source as that’s what drew me to the app.


Yes I am, hello o/


Honestly the hardcore tankies initially soured me from joining the fediverse at first, until I understood how the fediverse functioned and realized it was just a loud minority that held extreme views. It’s still disturbing to read genocide denialism while openly supporting things such as authoritarianism and Russian imperialism.


Thank you for providing a good source and quoting, I’m definitely saving this.


I’m still disgusted by the actions of the militarized police force that violently brutalized indigenous protesters.


While not wrong, it really is me :)

Though there’s no way to really prove it unless you know some personal things about me that I can prove. But I tried to stay somewhat anonymous other than being a Canadian anthropologist who works in athletics lol

As per @doc@kbin.social suggestion, I have edited a comment on reddit I made a few weeks ago to include my Lemmy handle.



Trump pushed the big lie that the election was stolen. Trump lost in the courts[1](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/25/us/elections/trump-campaign-lawsuits.html) including the Supreme Court.[2](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55283024) Then he tried to pressure state officials.[3](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2021/01/03/trump-pressured-georgia-election-official-call-washington-post-report-says/4119948001/) He tried to pressure Pence.[4](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/05/trump-pressures-pence-election-results-455069)

So what does Trump do after exhausting all nonviolent methods of overturning the election? He turns to his supporters and lights them up making inflammatory statements such as;

  • We are going to fight for the survival of the nation.

  • Now is not the time to retreat, its to fight harder.

  • We will never give in, never back down, never surrender.

  • We will fight like hell.

  • You have to get your people to fight.

He primed them for weeks.

State officials had started getting death threats weeks before the attempted insurrection following the general election.[5](https://www.npr.org/sections/biden-transition-updates/2020/12/01/940961602/someones-going-to-get-killed-ga-official-blasts-gop-silence-on-election-threats) Trump saw first hand what violence was being created as his supporters rioted and vandalized black churches in Washington back in December.[6](https://www.thestar.com/news/world/us/2020/12/13/black-churches-vandalized-four-stabbed-dozens-arrested-at-pro-trump-rallies-in-washington.html)

Trump didn’t stop his incitement after the initial violence, he got more specific. He told his supporters how, when, and where. He gave them 18 days notice inviting them to the rally telling them to be there, that it will be wild.[7](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/06/us/politics/capitol-mob-trump-supporters.html) And on the day of the insurrection Trump told his supporters to march on the Capitol and fight like hell.

Following the riot Trump continued to promote the big lie that had incited the insurrection. After the mob was dispersed, Trump praised and sympathized with the mob in a video he released, claiming once again that the election had been stolen.[8](https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-tells-rioters-i-know-how-you-feel-draws-bipartisan-condemnation-11609977209) Then he praised the insurrection in a tweet after the mob had been dispersed. He told his mob to remember Jan. 6 forever. He said that he loved the insurrectionists and that the violent mob were special people.

  1. New York Times - Over 30 Trump Campaign Lawsuits Have Failed. Some Rulings Are Scathing.

  2. BBC - US Supreme Court rejects Trump-backed bid to overturn election

  3. USA Today - Trump is heard on audiotape pressuring Georgia secretary of state to ‘find’ votes to overturn Biden’s win

  4. Politico - Trump pressures Pence to throw out election results — even though he can’t

  5. NPR - ‘Someone’s Going To Get Killed’: Georgia Republican Official Blasts GOP Silence On Election Threats

  6. Toronto Star - Black churches vandalized, four stabbed, dozens arrested at pro-Trump rallies in Washington

  7. New York Times - 'Be There. Will Be Wild!’: Trump All but Circled the Date: Inside Trump supporters’ online echo chambers, the chaos of Jan. 6 could be seen coming. People posted their plans to come to Washington — and showed the weapons they would carry.

  8. Wall Street Journal - Trump Tells Rioters, ‘I Know How You Feel,’ Draws Bipartisan Condemnation

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