Sapient liberation now.
Theoretically, equal protection on the basis of sex would mean you couldn’t commandeer a pregnant person’s body for gestation because there are protections for impregnable citizens’ bodily integrity. Practically, the people in power quite obviously don’t care about the law when it doesn’t suit them.
Have you been paying attention the past 25-50 years? I’m not someone who became a pessimist because of Trump. The problem is largely structural, baked into our social, political, and economic institutions. It’s because I’m a student of history and politics that I think the way I do. The patterns in our political life over the past several decades have many historical analogies, none of them good. I believe in fighting back, but sometimes strategic retreats are necessary to win a war.
Wanting civil war isn’t the question. The question is, what do we do when the right manipulates the system to give itself perpetual, absolute power? Give up? Fight? Leave? Leave and fight? Not many people want civil war because it’s not obvious to them yet that the alternative is worse. Give it time.