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Both the defense and the prosecutor can select witnesses to call. Why would the prosecution (The State) not want to call the flipper?

“A Trump Pac paid-for lawyer told me to lie or I wouldn’t get free legal counsel” is exactly the dream answer the prosecution would like.

Of course they’re gonna want to ask it if they thought the answer was 99% that.

Unless the lawyer [or the article] is saying the State is the one afraid because the State is the one that told him to lie for a public defender and the State wouldn’t want the defense to ask something that would bring that up during cross examination?

Which would make no sense and is not how public defenders work but isn’t surprising to be coming from the caliber of lawyer still willing to represent the defense here.


You don’t understand, PooPrints has got your number. They ship dog poop around SIX countries, didn’t you read the site!?

It’s frustrating out there, but keep up the critical thinking fight. The ones you reach usually won’t be ones replying.


This opinion is beautiful and I will now choose to follow it. It almost makes one feel a kinship with the eyelash mites.


Previously formed neural pathways, epigenetics, nascent research into gut microbiota and cognition. It’s even more abstract and amazing than just software.

Erase the neuronic pattern and the frame work that led to a big part of what that person was still remains.

You lose memory, but there’s a very real argument to be made that we’re a trickier stack of firmware, software, and hardware acceleration to keep your analogy.

The newly minted infant homunculi in this hypothetical total loss of the “pattern” would (given their environment supports enough resources) find themselves becoming something significantly alike what was there before.

It happens all the time with smaller and not as thorough distractions to that pattern after all.

That’s my take anyhow.


As a decent writer with ADHD who is constantly receiving unbelievable smoke up my ass from my readers; It’s not very Cash Money of you to judge what you’re perhaps not understanding or worse, not considering.

Random titling of That which We Believe To Be Of Import, is—however triggering unto itself—just another of the ways we’re out here coping with the “Mind Bees”.

Consider the community you’re in. Isn’t it enough to be misunderstood and prejudged by those whose minds aren’t divergent to the same degree?

Be the Change You Want To See.


In any of the systems we’ve tried since the species got agrarian—especially Capitalism whenever it’s Fascism Hammer Time—not the average person that’s for a certainty.

They’re too busy surviving.

In a proper society where we (the collective We, but really ~2k dragons) used the same tools we used to separate us to instead expand the sense of the tribal umbrella so that the species innate selfish altruism could shine?

A whole lot more folks whose part would be exactly like in the fabric of society, comfortable and without a thought of want for they know We got their backs too.


Nah, that’s definitely the rule. The playbook is as old as communal living.

Lacking a feeling of belonging is the single most exploitable flaw we have. From scammers after your money to wannabe dictators; they all rely on a missing foundation of support around the individuals they seek to radicalize/exploit.

This is why it’s so important to keep an eye out for those kind of people and just talk to them and include them. “Brainwashing” is not an instant—or permanent, but if it’s gelled in it’s hard to advocate for trying to talk there—process.

While the marginalized are fed lies and hate with extreme precision nowadays, there’s always gonna be a window between first exposure and lockstep indoctrination.

That’s why it’s so important to reach out if you know anyone on the margins like that, you might be the only thing stopping that process in time before they’re part of any number of “too far and not them at all” groups of which the fasch and alt-right are currently the biggest but not only examples.

Yeah, it’s not strictly anyone’s responsibility in this world we live in, but I sure think it should be a normal part of being in a community in the world we ought to be fighting for.


What do you mean? It’s perhaps the most apt analogy I can think of. In the strictest literal sense, physiological care is a flesh mechanic servicing your flesh parts. The main difference here is a matter of scope, but that is the point of analogies; to reframe a thought in a smaller and comprehensible way.

Only way we could stay 1:1 is if the discussion is solely populated with qualified medical professionals and not a mix of differently educated laypeople.


I absolutely agree, thank you for the spot check. Old dog got stuck in muscle memory before coffee. Editing.


Not OCD, but ADHD. Otherwise same attitude towards rx drugs, especially since my parents opted against them when first recommended as a child.

In my lucky case, it took 2 hours after taking the stimulant medicine my brain was lacking to maintain a coherence state (aka a flow state), for me to feel like the world’s greatest fool for having waited until I was in my 30s.

The day is literally seared in my memory levels of life changing.

Highly encourage you to discuss with your healthcare/psychiatry provider and strongly consider trying them. The side effects are often charted and entirely avoidable in many cases. The most important thing is a dialogue with a professional.
