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I usually don’t like linking back to Musk’s hellish platform, but this post was not something I expected to read, but very informative.


Why are they dropping bombs that take out entire blocks though? They aren’t even being precise about it. It is not like they have hidden their genocidal intents.

“The emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy” – Daniel Hagari

“We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly” – Yoav Gallant

Just a few of many quotes that reveal their intents and yet here you are defending genocide.


I do enjoy the hypocrisy of Western leaders, they aren’t even tacit about it anymore, and the public evidently are so propagandized as to justify genocide even when they think they oppose it.


The line is a bit more blurry on the East side than the West but this might just be my own bias coming from Lebanon.

I always thought Urban Hejaz and the Levant [and Egypt] share in a dialect continuum or at least a sprachbund, I don’t know a lot of dialects that say مرق to mean pass except those two. Urban Hejazi dialects also drop the use of interdentals like in Lebanese. In the same way Bahrani dialect Bahrain/Eastern Saudi Arabia shares with Mesopotamia in having Akkadian and Aramaic influences.

Here’s a fun comparison between Hejazi and Najdi dialects https://youtube.com/shorts/Fi9_bNiazOA

More aggressive in tone on average.

Only the Bedouin and Najdi dialects which happen to be over represented. Jeddawi in particular and other Urban Hejazi dialects are seen as effeminate https://youtu.be/AHWbA0b9bK4

  1. Arabs at the rise of Islam already were speaking different dialects and so they took those differences with them.
  2. Different regions have had different influences, e.g. Coptic and Greek in Egypt, Punic, Latin and Amazigh in North Africa, Nubian in Sudan, and so on.
  3. 1400 years of divergent history, including different foreign rule in different regions.

I’m simply stating the facts as they are, it is not my fault that the Democratic Party lost Arab and Muslim American voters.

but I am absolutely willing to put off Palestine

How would this argument win over Arab and Muslim Americans? You are basically saying: “I don’t care if you get genocided but you have to care about me”. On the upside as the polls show, Trump is even more unpopular than Biden so you can’t blame us if Trump wins, blame those who voted for him.

so I dont get shot

Arab and Muslim Americans are already getting shot. My personal recommendation is start exercising your 2nd amendment rights:

so you dont get deported

So be it but only if Darrell Issa is deported first


Biden perhaps shouldn’t have enabled a genocide, just saying.

Also the correct term is Arab Americans

How Arab American voters’ backlash could imperil Biden’s 2024 campaign

In Michigan, for example, Biden won in 2020 by 154,000 votes. Census estimates put the state’s Arab American population around at least 278,000.

Biden won Arizona by 10,500 votes. The Arab American population in the Grand Canyon State is estimated to be 60,000.

Biden took Georgia by 11,800 votes. The Arab American population there is at least 57,000.

Inside Biden’s Broken Relationship With Muslim and Arab American Leaders

Biden losing Arab-American voters in swing state

‘The man broke my heart’: Biden’s Arab-American boosters begin to leave his side

The fact that liberals would rather strawperson Arab and Muslim Americans and anyone else repulsed by the genocide than acknowledge the reality and try to stop it is hard to understand beyond it being based in racism and chauvinism. What group of people would vote for the person enabling their own genocide?

Edit: While Marxist-Leninists, i.e. Tankies, do exist in the US they never constituted a significant voting bloc that can sway elections, they always opposed the Democratic Party even before the genocide. Minorities such as Arab Americans -mostly Christian- and Muslim Americans do constitute a significant voting bloc that can sway elections and they used to be a consistent voter base for the Democratic Party in past elections.

An overlooked and undercounted group of Arab American and Muslim voters may have outsized impact on 2024 presidential election

In Michigan, Muslim and Arab American Voters Reconsider Support for Biden

The dismissive racism and genocide apologia by liberals is going to cost you Arab and Muslim Americans for more than one election cycle. I wish you had some self awareness and empathy to realize it.

Final Note: This is not meant to elicit debate and I don’t need an explanation on how elections work in the US or why the US will support Israel no matter what it does regardless of who is president. I am just sharing another side of the story that seem to be purposefully ignored.

I cited agreeable news source and articles and yet this comment is getting downvoted. I guess liberals would rather invent a strawperson they can easily take down than acknowledge they are losing among minorities in swing states.

Just look at the number of voters considering third party candidates:

Exclusive poll: Black voters aren’t thrilled with Biden but dislike Trump more


Brought to you by the only* democracy in the Middle East. If Israel is truly a democracy doesn’t mean the people voted for genocide?

* not actually true


the Sahel countries too have a significant Arab minority but aren’t part of the Arab League and not included in this map.


I thought this was going to be about the Linux distro
