

2 posts • 70 comments
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Jesus christ, dude. I’m here scrolling through posts at 2 AM in a dark room because I’m having trouble sleeping, and this picture scared the shit out of me. RIP my chances of going to sleep any time soon.


Too many things, sporadically!

I tend to hop between different craft types randomly, depending on my current interest. But some of the ones I’ve enjoyed at various times the last year or so are crocheting (learning how to make little stuffed animals right now!!), watercolor and gouache painting, putting miniature kits together, origami, simple jewelry making, pottery, etc! :)


That makes sense. I agree that opening card packs and whatnot was part of the excitement and draw. I wonder if there’s a way to get the best of both worlds. Maybe a (one-time) paid game rather than free to play, and still have packs and rarity and whatnot, but lock packs behind game experience/quests/challenges/winning/etc, rather than having them available to buy.

I know that probably wouldn’t be a popular model for companies trying to wring out as much money as possible from the almost-basically-gambling model where you can buy packs, but I feel like as a player I’d like that a lot more!


Yep. Certified non-tech nerd here. And not quite 30, either.

I was awfully close to not figuring out Lemmy enough to make an account and participate.

I still don’t understand exactly what’s going on, but I can confirm that my first time visiting was extremely confusing. So many terms I was completely unfamiliar with, and no clear way for me to jump in easily (like you were describing with having to make important decisions before signing up/understanding). Truly the only reason I ended up successfully making it here was that I saw a post on the instance I ended up joining, welcoming reddit refugees so I figured - well, I guess I could try this one. And that was after I had searched around online to figure out what the heck the fediverse, instances, etc, were.

The barrier to entry is really high for those of us with little to no tech knowledge. And I was really motivated, I reeeeally wanted to commit to leaving reddit. I imagine those who are considering joining but aren’t quite as motivated just won’t make it. :(


Yeah they’re great! I got a super long flat white one and those little white plastic staple things you can lightly hammer into the wall, and ran it along the baseboard of the walls, makes it nearly invisible! It was a bit tedious to do (which is why I haven’t yet redone it in the place I live now, although I will), but honestly I super recommend it. My partner wanted to try and run cords through the walls but I was way too nervous about what might go wrong, so found this solution instead lol


OMG. And this is how I learned that there is a button to view only my subscribed communities. I can’t believe I didn’t realize that before. I was confused why so few of my subscribed communities were showing up on my front page, while communities I wasn’t interested in were, but I didn’t stop to think about it enough to realize there was another option I hadn’t tried.

Lord. Anyway, thank you for mentioning that, otherwise who knows how long it would’ve been before I finally realized lol.


Medicine. Without it, I’m not able to do much of anything, regardless of whether it’s a work day or not, or whether I want to do the thing or not. Not sure how helpful that is to hear, though :/

Also, oopsies, I thought I was in one of the ADHD communities when I wrote my original comment, but apparently not!


I have “Do Nothing” days. It’s really the only way I survive, honestly.

During many parts of the year, my job and home lives are extremely hectic and stressful. Whenever I can, I designate a “do nothing” day, which helps my brain actually take advantage of resting that day without thinking “omg I need to do this, and this, and this”, etc. Usually it ends up being a Saturday, and while I’d love for it to be weekly, I’d say I have them more like twice a month or so.

The rules for a Do Nothing day are that I Do Not Do Anything Important, I don’t even leave the house - just chill, play video games, read, craft, garden, watch TV, sleep, etc. Whatever feels right. It makes picking back up with the stress the next day much easier to handle. Plus, I find it’s really hard for me to ever relax even when I do have a moment to do so, so I would usually waste all that time anyway throughout the week just straight up worrying about what I should be doing. At least by doing this I combine all that time into one day, and I actually use it to relax!


I have summers off from work (am a teacher), which I COULD be using to get tons of errands done, renovating the house, working out, etcetc. However, I am currently spending it sleeping in, playing too many video games, staying up late, crafting, reading, etc, which is exactly what I did during summer as a kid as well. It’s been nice :)


Imagine if other similar formats sued each other like this - one forum site suing another because they both use text-based forum communication. I’m so tired of facebook/meta/twitter/etc.
