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On July 23, 2016, ahead of the 2016 Democratic National Convention, the 2016 DNC Rules Committee voted overwhelmingly (158–6) to adopt a superdelegate reform package. The new rules were the result of a compromise between the Hillary Clinton and the Bernie Sanders presidential campaigns

Ultimately, the DNC decided to prevent superdelegates from voting on the first ballot, instead of reducing their numbers

People keep seeming to forget about the super delegate reform Bernie fought for. They are still there now, 15% of all the delegates (a lot of the super delegates being democratic elected officials like members of congress since that automatically gives the status). But they can’t vote in the first ballot any longer. They could only vote in a contested election in subsequent ballots, after all the other pledged delegates are unbound as well.


Even before those reforms, they never really made a difference in any convention, except possibly 1984 when they helped push Mondale from a plurality to a majority by voting for him on the first ballot.

I’m not personally in favor of them at all, but it’s not nearly as bad as it’s made out to be sometimes. If we go to an open convention though, unless there’s a majority choice on the first ballot, they may play a role on subsequent ballots.


Their proposals are in the article

The IMF, which often requires fiscal prudence among its borrowing countries, recommended a series of options to lower deficits, including reducing some longstanding tax deductions and exemptions that it said were “poorly targeted.” These include tax exemptions for the value of employer-provided healthcare plans and capital gains on the sale of a primary residence, and deductions for mortgage interest and state and local taxes - breaks that add up to about 1.4% of U.S. GDP per year.

The U.S. should consider closing the “carried interest” provision under which investment partnership income can be taxed at lower capital gains income rather than normal income, the IMF said. It added that corporate tax rates should be raised and the corporate tax system shifted to a cash flow tax.

The IMF also recommended raising federal excise taxes on gasoline and diesel, which have not been raised since 1993.

On the expenditure side, the IMF recommended indexing Social Security benefits to the chained consumer price index and subjecting earnings greater than $250,000 a year to payroll taxes.

So kind of a mix of good and bad. But raising corporate taxes was one thing. A lot more reasonable than I was expecting.


Vice president doing it wouldn’t be but once he kills the president, he is automatically president per the 25th amendment. Then he just pardons himself. Bam, criminally immune. And pardon power is in article 2, can’t be questioned, automatically an official act with presumptive immunity.

This supreme court ruling is so dumb.

Using the 25th amendment to remove a living president would require cooperation of the cabinet and congress (if Trump contests the removal).


It’s already happening


The Labor Party boycotted the vote and its members were not in attendance. The Arab parties voted against the measure.

Some more important context for people.


Yeah, I get the joke, but this map does not show what people are implying it does, if grindr is even down at all.


No, a population heat map means it’s darker over the cities. There’s more reports in Chicago than say, middle of nowhere Montana because there are more people there to report. This map is reporting the locations people are when they report it is down. And the circles get bigger and darker the more reports from that area. So if it was down everywhere, you would see the biggest circles over the biggest cities, and smaller circles in smaller cities, just like in this map. You see NYC, Boston, Chicago, San Fran have the biggest ones, and then smaller cities like Minneapolis have smaller ones.


Uh, that just looks like a population heat map, and Chicago would blend in with Milwaukee on this.

I get the joke, but it looks like it’s just having problems everywhere.


You don’t need to be hospitalized to get all the antivirals. In fact, that’s the whole thing paxlovid is supposed to prevent. Anyone with risk factors can take paxlovid, and it’s very effective at preventing severe covid. It should be started as soon as possible, not waiting until someone’s already hospitalized. Even in unvaccinated people, if taken early in the course, is 90% effective at preventing severe disease.

Remdesivir is the one that’s generally only for hospitalized patients, though even that can be used pre hospital too.

Anyways point is, if you get covid, and have risk factors for severe covid, call your doctor or urgent care to get paxlovid to take if you can, especially if you’re unvaccinated.

And yeah between getting diagnosed quickly, getting paxlovid I’m sure, and being immunized, Biden will very likely be fine.

Edit: yes he started paxlovid https://www.npr.org/2024/07/17/nx-s1-5043814/biden-covid
