Lustigerweise hat die Videodatei Werbung drin, gibt’s schon was mit KI um das rauszuschnipseln?
Use a hex editor to read binary files. I recommend ImHex https://imhex.werwolv.net/ because it includes all sorts of advanced analysis stuff.
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Now my question is, how should I deal with these pacnew files?
Install pacman-contrib
which includes pacdiff
Meld is easy for beginners.
DIFFPROG="meld" pacdiff --sudo
See https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacnew_files#Managing_.pac*_files for more options.
While somewhat correct it still needs someone hosting your data, even if it’s you.
Slightly off-topic:
I never get why Ipfs is using these false claims about “uploading” to the Ipfs and having it “permanently” stored. In reality it’s just Torrent, someone has to have the file - if no one has, there is no file. In theory one could make the same file available again in the future but all the hashing settings have to match with the previous or you’ll get a different reference hash.
Ernsthaft nur https://docspell.org/ und https://www.freshrss.org/
Zum Herumspielen natürlich noch mehr, z.B. https://laminar.ohwg.net/ und https://github.com/adnanh/webhook