
RedQuestionAsker2 [he/him, she/her]

8 posts • 491 comments
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I don’t even ever hear boomers defend the Vietnam war. Most of them say it was pointless. It was so disliked that it gave birth to any semblance of an anti-war movement in the US.

Look up Vietnam sickness.


Snark free answer:

We believe that the expansion of the American empire is one of the greatest threats facing the world today. The strength and reach of America far surpasses anything that Russia could ever hope to achieve. Russia is only a fraction of the political and economic power of America.

We don’t like Russia. It is a neoliberal and reactionary state (like Ukraine). But we do not accept the idea that blood should be shed to weaken an “unfriendly” (read: designated target) state in service of maintaining American supremecy in the area via NATO.

Tldr; why is the US supporting Ukraine a bad move? Because it supports US global supremacy.


Liberal Democrat


Commies and fascists are the same thing because they do the violence. The reasons they do the violence is not relevant.

I, a good democrat, don’t do the violence. Those bodies that keep piling up in other (dirty, evil) countries during Democrat run governments are coincidental. All the funding I give to police departments totally aren’t related to the police blasting people in the streets daily. I know this because my ideology is totally not conservative.


I am American. I know you called yourself a commie jokingly, but I, and most people on Hexbear, am a principled communist.

We don’t view the world through the lens of patriotism or defending “our” nation. The working class of America is also oppressed and exploited by the capitalist class of America. The exploitation is amplified when it is turned towards non-American states, especially those in the periphery. While we as Americans benefit from the exploitation of the periphery nations, we (the working class) have more in common with the working class of other countries than we do with our exploiters. Through this lens, we do not seek for our country to be “stronger” (read: globally militarily dominant). We want our country to be liberated from capitalist oppression, and we want other countries under our grip to be liberated, too.

I take your point about the US not acting alone because NATO countries are participating. I think if you look into the history and structure of NATO, you would find that the US has an outsized influence within NATO, and that most people who subscribe to realpolitik recognize that NATO is largely an arm of the US military. This is because of the global presence of the US military all over the world. Many of these countries depend on the US for defense, and the US can leverage its military strength to pressure the host countries into all kinds of policies. Look up a map of US military bases to get a real picture of the influence the US has over the NATO countries. If you really wanna make a comparison, then look at the number of foreign military bases held by the US vs. the number held by Russia or China. It’s a staggering difference.


You’re interpretation is correct. Saying disengage to end an argument has never been enforced.

The only time something similar is enforced is when a user follows the person they are replying to into different comments and threads.


Muay Thai gang!

I haven’t been to a gym in years, but I still practice my form on bags.

Doing that with bodyweight exercise, free weights, and cardio keep me fit


Wrong, he tried to shoot us with the Havana syndrome ray, but we held up a mirror and got him
