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A reminder that this is still how they think.

Here’s a fact check OF a fact check about Project 2025, something that has been stated recently will gut the National Hurricane Center.

USA Today’s fact check of that claim

Now when I first ran across this link, I thought, hmmm…are liberal Youtubers making up stuff to sell their position as a hurricane approaches? Maybe so. Then I read the article and actual text from Project 2025.

Project 2025 “does not call for the elimination of” the National Hurricane Center, Heritage Foundation spokesperson Ellen Keenan told USA TODAY.

Not in the text, this part of the fact check is correct. The text calls for review of it as well as other agencies and downsize or move resources around as needed. But then I see:

Data collected by the department should be presented neutrally, without adjustments intended to support any one side in the climate debate.

Well, that set off some alarm bells in my head. They aren’t actively proposing to shut it down, but there does seem to be an agenda here.

Project 2025 accuses NOAA of “climate alarmism” and calls for it to be "broken up and downsized.” “That is not to say NOAA is useless, but its current organization corrupts its useful functions,” the playbook says of the agency.

I read all this as exactly how MAGA Republicans in power have been treating anything tied to climate change. They aren’t completely cutting things out, only the parts that are inconvenient to their agenda. Which of course is terrible science, and will absolutely affect the ability to learn and respond to future threats.

USA Today is a tool for them if they are marking such claims as completely false.

152 points

Thank goodness they put the sticker on the window. It would have damaged the door.


Robber beats you up, knocks you down, and takes your wallet.

“Hey, that’s my money?”

“Tell you what, I’ll just take 30% and call it peace.”

“Okay…just don’t do it again, right?”

Robber runs away laughing.


I don’t know why inanimate objects treated like this makes me feel sad. It reminds me of the Mars rover comic where he’s left asking if he did a good job after the radio goes silent.


“When I look at Robert E Lee, the comparisons to him and George Washington are immense,” he said, noting Washington also owned slaves.

Not the same.

“I wonder when George Washington’s name and things like that will then have to come off of things.”

One helped found this country. Another fought this country.

“But to be taught that everyone who fought for the Confederacy, or did this, or did that, is a racist slave holder, that’s all or nothing, and that really isn’t doing history justice,” he added.

We really need to teach better in history class. THAT is where we need to stop removing things, not statues and dedications to traitors of the country. He doesn’t understand WHY the Confederacy started the war, does he? Maybe he should dive into the declarations from the various states on why they seceded. It’s plainly mentioned in almost all of them.


It’s uncanny how any post about problems with HP always has the same solution in the comments. Brother.

In related news, learning what Audi is doing with their new model and subscriptions makes me think the world has gone mad.


His message is for those who would rather suffer than have “those” people get help.


Any jailtime is ridiculous. She’s been in prison for 8 years. The judge had a chance to try and rebuild her life, but they gave her punishment for getting trapped in a bad situation. What’s the issue, does the judge think she’s going to go out and start shooting other rapists and traffickers?


“Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman accused President Biden of being “willing to sacrifice the American auto industry and its workers in service of its radical green agenda.”

I mean we could try and transition workers from a more negative industry type to a positive one…but that seems like a lot of work and less profitable, so never mind.


Yes, but corporations pay into the system in other ways. Take for example the time Duke Energy had a big coal ash spill into a river. They took the income resources they had and not only paid a fair fine price, cleaned up the…

Wait. No they didn’t. They passed on all the costs to their customers. Fortunately those customers were able to use the free market and choose another provider…

Wait. No, they can’t. Huh. That IS a freeloader.
