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It works, trust me.


Ive been here a while and I can definitely say Lemmy users are psychotic. They weren’t always this way though, when I first joined Lemmy people were kinda nice and laid back. But it very quickly became politically charged with extremists on both sides of the political aisle, and thats when everything crumbled.

Posting and commenting on Lemmy feels like walking on eggshells now, when it used to be chill.


Very reminiscent of Alundra, Brandish, and Briganty.


Okay, but is the FTC just going to ignore Microsoft directly linking to GeForce Now in the Xbox Store on PC, where they literally directly link to a competing streaming service on games that GeForce Now supports? Wasn’t anti-competitive practice like the main argument the FTC had against the ActiBlizz merger? Raising prices isnt exactly anti-competitive, and directly linking to a competing service on your own platform is the polar opposite of anti-competition.

Prices go up all the time. Yes it sucks, but the American economy turbo sucks right now. Everything is overly expensive. Price increases are expected, and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised to see them go up again soon if the economy keeps dying. Microsoft can’t be expected to freeze their pricing on everything to 2010 pricing in a dying economy forever like the FTC seems to make it out to be. Realistically the FTC just wants to get the fine money from a legal win, they don’t actually care about consumers.


I actually don’t play TF2, I just am happy for the people that do that the game is still seeing updates. I wish some of the games I loved were supported still.


What you talk about is completely irrelevant to what I said. You are talking about consequences for actions, and I am talking about changing people’s thinking. These are two very different things.

If they’re dead, they already made their choice. You think of them however you want. I agree with you that actions should absolutely have consequences, but that is not relevant in this context. A person thinking or believing something that is wrong should not have every person trying to kill them or commit some act of violence upon them.

If they’re still alive, which is what I am talking about, there is no justifiable reason to kill a human unless they have committed a crime with the punishment of death. Thinking should not be a crime, even if that thinking is very wrong. I think a world where thinking something wrong can put you in the grave is a very dangerous future to try to advocate for. Especially when humans are the ones that decides what thinking is right or wrong, because the wrong thinking will always be whatever will remove power from a certain group.

In your example, you mention you dying on train tracks that you decided to walk onto. What I am talking about is the way that onlookers and bystanders react to you being on the train tracks. Which is the better person: the person that begs and pleads for you to get off the train tracks maybe even grabbing you or physically trying to pull you off the tracks, or the person that pushes you into the oncoming train? My whole point is that people should be the ones trying to help get you off the train tracks, not the ones pushing you into the train and removing the chance you might have had to get off of the tracks.

In the end its still your choice. But I would hope that you can agree that pushing you into the oncoming train would be a bad choice for someone else to choose.


It is incredible to see TF2 still getting updates this late into its life.


What if they change their mind though? What if they see the error of their ways? Can you guarantee that all people who think that way will never change their thinking in the future?

I think jumping directly to violence and killing is probably not the greatest idea. Yes, their ideology is bad, but they are still a human. All humans can change their mind without needing to have violence involved. There are people who have left similar walks of life as well, former KKK and mafia, etc. That’s not to say that they should be accepted or encouraged to keep holding Nazi ideals, but maybe let’s not incite violence against them? Is that not the same thing that they did to gain power? How would a person using their same tactics be any different or better than them? Sure, its not the easiest thing to do, but I think its more humane to try to show love for people by educating them rather than just killing people or being violent.


Depends on context?

Nazi isnt a word that is banned on its own typically.

Accusing someone of being a Nazi? Probably should be banned for that, unless you have actual evidence of the person youre accusing endorsing the specific policies of Nazis. Throwing that word around just to describe anyone you disagree with or doesn’t agree with you is quite frankly incredibly disrespectful to the people who had to suffer at the hands of actual Nazis, whether they are still alive or not. It cheapens the word.

Speaking in a historical context? Definitely shouldn’t be banned for that.

At the end of the day, it depends on the moderators of the instance and community. There is no guarantee anything you say or do online will prevent you from being banned. Even if you follow the rules.
