1 posts • 17 comments
Oi look at the clock! it’s time to pay up, mates.
NGL, you had me for a second.
fear a further emergence of the more radical ones (AFD)
I’m not really sure thats their fear at all, tho. They seem pretty happy to cooperate with them. Some of them were even on the infamous meeting in Potsdam. The CDU and CSU become more and more right in a pathetic attempt to get some votes from the far-right, which does not even work.
Jesse, we need to grill!
I Like how he becomes so angry that he starts to bleed 😂
Ich weiß nicht wieso aber das ist das erste Handelsangebot Meme was mich seit langen zum lachen gebracht hat, danke :P
You can post the map, but please don’t add a misleading caption.