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Tight grouping, zero awareness or object permanence….

Looks like a target rich environment I can defend my property in.

Will nobody rid me of these turbulent fascists?


They just make a lot of money or lived outside their means. When people mention big AC bills, they’re cooling 2000sqft homes to under 70F 24/7. No idea why American culture does this insanity.

I get by just fine with 78F during the day and a little lower at night, it even gets a bit cold when the compressor runs. Low low bills even when it’s 110 (not hyperbole, that’s the literal temp) outside.

Additionally every degree higher it gets outside, the less efficient your AC/heat pump gets so you need more power to hit the same temp even after accounting for the higher heat differential.


Reduce impact of crowd crushes, evac lane for medical emergencies, logistics of distributing supplies/food/fliers, possible regulatory restrictions, it just looks nicer, easier to organize and disperse from, etc.

Basically all kinds of reasons that a collectivist society would want to, it can be a pretty stark contrast for Americans who (again, generally) have a culture to go out of their day using extra effort to deliberately make others lives worse.

Although Korean culture is equally as rotten to the core in other ways, there are still signs of their glory days like this


Damn that’s really interesting how you aren’t calling this out on the hundred other meme communities using their comm to blatantly organize canvas activities right next to this post in the feed


PugJesus has lost Biden more votes than all leftist Lenny instances combined so we can at least thank them for that!

I know, I’m one of the converts!


It’s a bit transparent and embarrassing for the DNC to be spinning this up right before the election instead of years ago when this shit was announced.

Look if it makes people realize Repubs are fucking scum, I’m all for it. Let’s flip some seats.

But would it be asking too much for the DNC to stop fucking spitting in my face with the bullshit and disrespect and actually work on reforming the crumbling pillars of our society?

Do they actually expect us to believe this is some kind of heel turn and Republicans haven’t been working towards this goal all along, securing victories for their cause under Dem administrations and through Dem majorities? Like, it’s not some kind of big “go” button. The slide has been happening for 50 years.

Yeah such a great threat to our democracy that they held this campaign in the chamber until Biden needed the boost to stay viable.


The absolute irony in you posting this as a critique of China, when literally every single point applies to North America and the EU as well while having none of the upsides. (At least, no upsides for Americans. The EU is doing a better job.)

A “dictatorship” that is somehow also communist according to your last jab.

Like, do y’all seriously not see how much you’re embarrassing yourselves? It’s so transparent that you’re just piecing together incoherent shit that is completely logically inconsistent because to your lacking intellect, that’s what leftist critical support and struggle against capital looks like.

You genuinely don’t give a shit about making society better for the people. Why are you pretending? Y’all get more pathetic by the day, I swear.


Are you able enough to safely operate a forklift? Warehouses in my general-labor overloaded area still pay $10 more than state minimum wage, offer plenty of overtime, and are literally always hiring.

It’s hot, dusty, physical, and usually far from downtown, but typically it’s a decent wage and can hold you down while you look for easier work. Plenty of opportunities to transition to an administrative position, too.

Try see if charitable orgs or colleges near you offer resume and interview assistance. Job hunting is shit, I’ve done it too, there are fake jobs everywhere, but seriously pinch your nose and play the game of capital during interviews. Act like a good little corporate drone, get promotions, use that leverage to lead good teams and help more people.

Hopefully any of that is at least a little helpful. If you’re in a rural area, you may have to consider driving 2hr+ a day to where the work is. It’s hell, this is capitalist hell, but you need to play the game to survive first.


Bro unironically just handwaved away one of the largest bubbles holding back the American economy and then said Millenials aren’t worse off if you just ignore it

Do you even know what a SLAB is 💀
