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Interestingly you just regurgitated right wing propaganda without knowing it. Black and Central/East Asians, while certainly not common, casually roamed around Medieval Western Europe on pilgrimages or business and rarely ran into race issues.

It would not be ahistorical at all to run into some Korean pilgrims or African traders.

Medieval European peoples generally cared more about class and wealth than race. Rather ironically, it’s a modern fascist invention. Were you a Hawaiian prince or a peasant from Normandy? King or serf? Race had nothing to do with it for most people.


Makes me laugh at the liberals spewing American exceptionalism bullshit in the other comment chain.

Strong union support? Plenty of vacation? 40 hour work weeks???

Genuinely, what fucking insane liberal bubble are those people living in to say this and act like Democrats are the “other side” rooting for the people and putting these in place.

How can you say with a straight face the Dems have strong support for unions. Maybe the fucking police union, sure.

How can you say we should be happy with the 40 hour work week. I work 55 per week and this is common for STEM degrees. In America, salaried workers don’t even get overtime and often make less than the fucking forklift operator outside.

How can you say, unironically, Dems have given us plenty of vacation days. Even the most liberal strongholds use less vacation than developed countries. Y’all know it’s normal for Europeans to fuck off for an entire month every year?

How fucking dare you liberals spit in my face and tell me bold lies and then demand my vote.

The reason the hypocrisy of liberals is so fucking unbelievable is the realization that liberals don’t actually have beliefs or values. They are truly blue MAGA, that’s all it is. They don’t give a shit about making society better or helping the working class.

And I’m so fucking tired of it. Burn it all down at this point if my choice is between continued hell or the literal apocalypse.


It would be pretty funny if this is how the newest bird flu pandemic starts


Have you tried simply subsidizing corporate profits with $3 billion (USD) of taxpayer funding per year, every year, and increasing every year?

You can accomplish a whole shitload of shareholder value if you simply stop giving a shit about the citizens!


Who tf has enough clothes to pack for a trip and still go through a week of work and laundry

Is this some kind of privileged meme I’m too working class to understand


Yet another liberal straw man.

Let me guess, what comes after a liberal gets scratched again?


The Americans caused 6 million excess deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan and nobody batted an eye except the leftists that time too.

And yet you see all the liberals today acting like they weren’t cheering for genocide for the last 20 years and Iraq was totally a mistake they totally didn’t vote for.

Genocide is a feature of capitalist democracy, not a failure.

Find someone whose unit worked with the 101st airborne in Iraq and they’ll have more war crime stories than you have time for.


I fail to see how this helps your point?

What good have Democrats done? I don’t mean throwing some crumbs out to a small subsection of student loan holders, or passing small goods such as credit card fee guidelines.

I mean reversing the trend this country has been on since Reagan. Why do Citizens United and Glass Steagall still exist? Prison and prosecutorial reform? Making companies actually pay taxes? Democrats have held plenty of majorities. What’s the excuse?

Why do Dems let the fascists walk all over them and never lift a single finger in retaliation? Why is it always Dems compromising and sinking their bills to please Republicans?

Are you genuinely saying that throwing literal breadcrumbs out is an acceptable trade to all that shit?

And then you wonder why you get called collaborators?

The fact that after all this discourse, you liberals are still spamming this tired debunked shit instead of coming up with any actual critique is, as usual, yet another self report of your complicity to fascism.
