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You mean you’ve never stopped at a convenience store while traveling through the infinite dark void?


To be clear, the Bolsheviks were definitely Communists and Socialists, and implemented a more democratic and Worker-focused society than Tsarist Russia

I agree that the USSR was more democratic and worker-focused than Tsarist Russia, but saying they were definitely Communists and Socialists depends on your definition of those words. An originalist Marxist for example would vehemently disagree that they were communist because communism was envisioned as this pure ideal stateless society, the “end goal” to work towards. Statelessness is definitely no longer a requirement of communism for modern Marxists, but it used to be.

US and Western Powers deliberately attempted to shove a wedge in the Leftist movement by trying to paint the USSR as “not true Communism.”

While this is definitely the case, people at the time had legitimate critiques of the USSR that may have led them to see it as “not true Communism,” see above. Wedges are driven into splits that already exist.

Because everyone seems to have their own unique definition of what Communism/Socialism is, saying that something is/isn’t socialist/communist should be taken more as an expression of that person’s values than a semantic argument. If someone says they are socialist and [insert government here] is not, what they are really saying is that there are aspects of [insert government here] that they disagree with to the point that it’s a dealbreaker for them.


What do the words socialist and communist actually mean to you?

I think with the way you’re using the word socialist, what you actually mean is social democrat, which is a newer term people use to mean capitalism but with heavy regulation and strong welfare / social safety nets.

When you ask people who are actually anti-capitalists and consider themselves some flavor of socialist or communist to distinguish between the two you will get as many different answers as people you’ve asked. In Marxist theory socialism is generally understood as a transitional state towards communism. Historical events led to communism being used mostly to refer to the authoritarian ideology championed by the Bolsheviks, so people started using socialism to differentiate themselves from that definition.

The only thing you’ll get most leftists to agree on is that both socialist and communist mean anti-capitalist, and those who disagree are confused liberals.


Fun fact: elephants can’t metabolize alcohol nearly as well as humans can, so they’re hopeless lightweights. Alcohol is roughly 40x more potent to an elephant than it is to a human, adjusted for body mass.


I think it’s the same issue as conservatives suddenly realizing their favorite band or movie/tv franchise is gasp woke!

They passively consume media without analyzing it beyond the surface level, then are personally offended that they were “baited” into consuming what they see as woke propaganda.

Then they also notice a trend of more overt progressive elements in media because of an increase in surface-level corporate pandering, and they blame “wokeness” for bad storytelling without realizing people who are actually woke hate the shallow pandering too.


What is your source for this?


Hillary undermined his whole presidency.

Yes, the fact that Russia ran a coordinated disinformation campaign that favored Trump does undermine his legitimacy a bit, but let’s not miss the forest for the trees. The fact that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and lost the election entirely in 2020 is more significant.

Al Gore tried to use law to win election.

61,000 ballots were not counted by mistake. Gore used the law to try and have them counted and the conservative supreme court interfered for political reasons. Gore was in the right.

Conspiracy theory

The amount of evidence supporting this theory rivals the theory of gravity.


A bot would surely have better grammar.


Hilary with making false russian claim

In what way do claims of Russian interference - which has some truth to it btw - directly result in the overturning of an election?

Gore with all the counting shenanigans

Insane to present an example of an election being manipulated in Bush’s favor as an attempt by Gore to overturn an election. How are we supposed to have a discussion when we clearly live in different realities?

How were they going to overturn an election by occupying a building?

The attack on the Capitol was part of a wider plan orchestrated by Trump and his backers. The fake electors, the call to Georgia’s secretary of state, the baseless accusations of voter fraud… All of these combine to paint a pretty clear picture. Hell, the crowd at the Capitol called to hang Mike Pence because he refused to count the fake Certificates of Ascertainment.

I’m only responding for the benefit of others since I know you’re just going to deny all of this or try to claim Democrats did the same or worse, but I really do hope you overcome your delusions someday.


Legal warfare, I dont like it either, but the losers do this a lot.

Show me one time Democrats have attempted to stop the certification of an election by force. You can’t just pretend this happens as a standard matter of course.

what was May 29th?

May 29th was a riot and not an insurrection because it had nothing to do with trying to overturn an election. Are you getting it yet?
