Ich finde es gut wenn ich wenigstens klar erkennen kann für welches Produkt etwas eine Alternative ist, damit ich beim auswählen von Rezeptzutaten entsprechend die vegane Variante wählen kann, ohne mich dafür erstmal durchs Internet zu wühlen. Wie es am Ende des Tages heißt ist mir dabei ziemlich „Wurst“, wenn dadurch diese unnötigen Diskussionen ein Ende nehmen.
In dem Fall hätte ich dem Kollege mal den Artikel zu den Yum Yum Nudeln gezeigt.
Ich könnte niemals Politiker werden. Ich würde in kürzester Zeit in Schulden ertrinken.
Yes I deleted my Reddit account a week before Apollo was dead.
The Snowman.
Abandoned barracks. It was interesting and dangerous due to collapsed floors and stuff. I went there for Geocaching.
A friend of mine had to move to a much smaller apartment for a year (remember this) for financial reasons. He put a lot of stuff in a storage facility and one of it was a fridge-freezer-combo. When we finally took everything out we noticed a stenching smell. We opened the freezer and it was full of rotting meat…
I used to get a new one every two years. Back then the changes were big enough to make it worthwhile. Nowadays there is not much to get from a new phone other than the hardware keeping up with the software and an improved camera.
I’d say, as with any device, keep it until it annoys you or doesn’t get any more security updates.
My iPhone 11 from 2019 starts to feel laggy and the touch screen is not responding as well anymore. Battery health is still over 90% but due to higher energy demand of the newer OSs and apps I often still need to juice up during the day. So this year I’m finally going to get the new model but I’ll keep the 11 as a webcam.
First game might be Lemmings on this huge i486 computer.
First console played was the NES. First console owned was a Game Boy.