
SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]

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According to democrats like Clinton Russian propaganda includes talking about inflation. Lmao try to enforce this you ghouls


I would not be surprised if this user doesn’t realize Hezbollah and the Lebanese government are different entities. The commonality in these overly broad doom prophecies is a lack of granular detailed knowledge.


can we at least agree to remove top level comments like this:

As someone whose phone occasionally heats up, all I can say is that we need to put down the copium. If Israel can do this, so can the CIA. It is highly likely that the age of mass communication is about to functionally end as soon as we reach the societal breakdown stage of late capitalism. As for Lebanon itself, it will likely collapse before Israel does. The zionists likely plan to genocide everyone within the borders of greater israel.

This is pretty cut and dry defeatism, without adding any type of factual analysis.


As someone whose phone occasionally heats up, all I can say is that we need to put down the copium. If Israel can do this, so can the CIA. It is highly likely that the age of mass communication is about to functionally end as soon as we reach the societal breakdown stage of late capitalism. As for Lebanon itself, it will likely collapse before Israel does. The zionists likely plan to genocide everyone within the borders of greater israel.

This you? Can you point me to where the “news” is here? Looks a lot like Nostradamus doom saying and reading tea leaves to me.


As someone whose phone occasionally heats up, all I can say is that we need to put down the copium. If Israel can do this, so can the CIA. It is highly likely that the age of mass communication is about to functionally end as soon as we reach the societal breakdown stage of late capitalism. As for Lebanon itself, it will likely collapse before Israel does. The zionists likely plan to genocide everyone within the borders of greater israel.

Controversial opinion and doomerism warning: The Axis of Resistance is losing. This communications attack by Israel is a prelude to a major Israeli offensive on Hezbollah. All three of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran should have attacked Israel together at maximal strength late last year. Now they’ve waited until Hamas is contained, Israel is shifting its focus to Hezbollah (hence this preemptive barrage), while Iran will probably sit around sable-rattling, then once Hezbollah is also contained, Israel will shift its focus to Iran, and Iran will be alone. Israel dealt with having three enemies at once by relying on them not going all in against Israel together at the same time. Israel can win one-on-one battles but not all three at once. Well, it’s getting its winnable one-on-one battles because the three are letting it. A major tactical shake-up is needed. They can stretch Israel thin and win decisively, but the window of opportunity to do so is closing.

Another Israeli terror attack and still no response from Iran. Iran must be on the cuck list.

If Iran and Hezbollah don’t attack Israel in the next few hours, they will have essentially surrendered.

smdh, who let these people in here?
