

3 posts • 72 comments
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I don’t understand. Are you claiming that the first 150k users that signed up are all real and that since the rate of growth has increased exponentially that it couldn’t possibly be real users signing up? I don’t dispute that some of it is bots for sure. There are clearly places that have 20k users and 2 posts and stuff like that that are very suspicious. But I don’t think it’s at all reasonable to assert that all of the growth that has occurred are bots. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that. In fact, I would argue that the amount of activity (posts and comments) increasing alongside the user count is evidence to the contrary. I understand that bots can make posts too, but apart from the obviously labelled bots that are reposting content from reddit and stuff like that, I haven’t seen any bot spam accounts posting links to suspicious sites or anything like that at all. Unless you’re claiming that the bots are posting normal looking comments so that people think they are human? I don’t understand.


I’d also add that I wish Spotify paid the musicians better. Even relative to other platforms Spotify is pretty bad about that. Of course if you want to support the musician it’s always better to buy merch and music and stuff directly from them, but that isn’t really an excuse for streaming platforms to pay them so poorly. And I’m not suggesting that Spotify should just give the musician everything of course. They should get their cut too. But perhaps something even slightly more reasonable would be appreciated.


For the most part that won’t be the case. They’ll all be interconnected. Beehaw is the only instance that I’m aware of that defederates as aggressively as they do. If you go to the bottom of any instance and click the “instances” link you can see who they have defederated. Most of them will have none or maybe a few defederated at most. Check out beehaw’s and you’ll see what I mean.

For a long time beehaw’s aggressive defederation and moderation policies made a large impact on the feel of Lemmy as a whole since they made up a decent portion of the user base, but now that there is more migration elsewhere like lemmy.world it’s just not as relevant what they do anymore. And with their sign ups being the way they are they will only become more and more irrelevant to the overall feeling of Lemmy. Which isn’t a bad thing for them necessarily. If they only want a small safe space or whatever then they are more than welcome to cultivate that however they want. But I wouldn’t be concerned about defederation on a larger scale where you never know if you’re posting on a defederated instance or not. Like 99% of the time everything will be federated.


No, they won’t be able to. The way that it works is since lemmy.world is defederated, beehaw won’t give or receive any information about changes made to their instance by lemmy.world users. When a different instance “visits” an outside instance like that they are really just creating a copy of the instance which is where the Lemmy.world users would be posting. Just like lemmy.world, any other instances, even ones we federate with, will create their own copy of beehaw’s instance whenever they visit. The issue is that since we are defederated beehaw doesn’t receive our updates therefore anyone going to beehaw to create their own copy won’t see our updates to that instance either. The post that I linked explains it better I think but that’s the gist anyway. Short answer, no, even if another instance federated with us they won’t see it. They don’t come to us to get the latest version of beehaw’s community, they go to beehaw. And since beehaw doesn’t let us update their version anyone who goes to them won’t receive our updates either.


I can see where you’re coming from for sure. There is nothing stopping lemmy.world from defederating as well which would clear up any confusion like this at the cost of further restricting its users. It would be nice though to have something like a visual warning or something letting the user know if they are visiting a community that is hosted on an instance which has defederated from their home instance. It could be something as simple as a little icon that if you click on it will link to a page explaining what defederation is or something.



That post does a better job of explaining in more detail if you want to learn more. It really isn’t so bad once you get a little bit of experience with it.


Lemmy.world users can still post on beehaw communities but only other lemmy.world users will be able to see and interact with those posts. You’re probably seeing people post on the same beehaw communities that they subbed to either without realizing that they are defederates or not understanding what that means. It will basically always be better now to find somewhere else to post if you want to reach a wider audience now. So instead of using the beehaw gaming community it would be better to use a lemmy.world one for example. That being said, since lemmy.world is the largest instance at the moment, even posting on a beehaw community and only reaching other lemmy.world users who happen to be subscribed to that defederated beehaw community (or who browse all) will still probably reach a wider audience than someone in beehaw posting to other beehaw users for example.


Apart from everything else that has been mentioned I would add that a very real factor is that every instance to my knowledge has a donation button which cannot be removed without forking the project that goes directly to the devs. Plenty of people in this post are saying things like “Wow, glad they cleared that up! I’ll definitely be giving them money” and very likely don’t have the full context. Assuming Lemmy does continue to grow exponentially it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that these devs will probably receive a large amount of money in donations from people who may not all be okay with supporting them if they were more informed. So spreading the truth about the devs and not taking their pitiful denial as absolute truth is important even if you believe in the project as a whole.


Out of curiosity, what communities are you subscribed to that entirely consist of posts that are marked nsfw that aren’t porn? Not saying you aren’t having that experience but I just can’t think of any communities like that that I’ve come across. Certainly there will be some posts like that but losing entire communities by disabling nsfw in public?


I don’t even want to win any fight anymore. I don’t want to use Reddit regardless of what they do with the API anymore. The API changes and the way that they have reacted to the backlash is just the straw that broke the camel’s back. And even if they revert all of the changes it’s too late to take back the way they’ve acted.
