Pay to store it in Finland, like everyone else is doing. They currently have a facility that isn’t even a quarter full and can be heavily expanded
They don’t have storage for highly radioactive waste (as I said), only low to medium radioactive. A high radioactive solution is planned for years, but currently it is still not available.
Solar panels can contaminate ground water if stored incorrectly, that’s a useless statement.
That’s still a strawman argument. Just because I argue against nuclear power, I don’t automatically believe that another solution is perfect. Also that doesn’t change that the highly nuclear waste has no storage.
Just because your specific economic union has not built one yet, does not mean you cannot use one of the commercial ones
We can’t use one, because there is none.
The containers do, and short of a nuclear bomb going off the waste isn’t escaping them
Currently Castor Containers are used. They are designed for 40 years of storage. That’s nothing compared to the time the waste has to be stored safely.
So much so that despite waste existing since the 1960s, there has never been an incident of nuclear waste escaping containment
That’s also not true. We even have two new species of alligators because of containment with nuclear waste: Tritagator and Dioxinator
I am in the EU. There is literally no storage for highly radioactive waste. There has been talk for years that one will be available, but so far… nothing.
Nuclear waste doesn’t leech into the water cycle
That’s not true. Nuclear waste can also contaminate ground water, if stored incorrectly. And as we discussed: we have no storage solution for the highly radioactive waste and thus can’t store it correctly.
It’s a bit more complicated. Where are you gonna bury it? It has to be somewhere, where normally nobody is. Also you have to keep the waste containers safe (and in one piece) for a very, very long time. How are you gonna mark it that people thousands of years in the future still know that it is dangerous?
Nuclear is the best option. It’s the cheapest when considering the energy output, most environmentally friendly, and takes up the least amount of space.
It’s the most environmentally friendly, if you don’t consider that it is not renewable and that there are no waste management solutions for the highly radioactive waste.
I am not a parent. But if somebody is entitled, then it is the person that thinks that every public space should cater to their needs only. It’s a baby, they sometimes cry. You can’t do anything about it. What should the parents do? Never leave the house with the child, because its crying could annoy an adult?
Es gibt seit Jahren Bestrebungen das Bargeld abzuschaffen. Laufend gibt es neue bzw niedrigere Bargeldobergrenzen
Es gibt immer wieder Bestrebungen Obergrenzen für das Zahlen mit Bargeld einzuführen und eben keine Bargeldobergrenzen. Du kannst immer no soviel Bargeld daheim liegen haben, wie du möchtest. Solche Grenzen sind fast überall in der EU üblich und dienen der Kriminalitätsbekämpfung. Österreich und Deutschland sind nämlich Anlagegebiet für kriminelle, wo man halt Gewinne aus Verbechen im Ausland ohne Probleme anlegen kann, da du ohne Probleme im nächsten Autohaus einen Porsche einfach bar kaufen kannst.
Eine Verankerung von Bargeld in der Verfassung ist daher sinnvoll und nachvollziehbar.
Nochmal die Frage: was genau is daran sinnvoll? Was genau soll eine Verfassungsbestimmung bewirken? Es kann trotzdem die Bargeldzahlung in jedem Privatgeschäft ausgeschlossen werden.
Das sind Eingriffe in die (Deine) Freiheit!
Dass i meinen Nachbarn nit ins Gesicht schlagen darf oder Heroin verkaufen darf sind auch Eingriffe in die Freiheit. Soll ma das dann auch erlauben?