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Spend some time with some E1-E3 soldiers. I don’t have firsthand experience. And, I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to try to explain.


Just like Vail, extremely popular, where workers are housed.


Hopefully they’ll call allowing it a great folly of late stage capitalism.


There are so many seasonal tourist businesses in the US. Many of these places are either very remote or extremely popular. These businesses need seasonal workers for 3-8 months. The vast majority require housing.

Many of these businesses provide. The smaller ones may have a room or cabin. Larger ones may have salvage travel trailers and shanty apartments. In remote places the only store nearby is the company store. If a worker’s vehicle breaks they’re effectively trapped.

Back to the 1800s, I guess.


The best way to facilitate the spread of misinformation, THE critical war which humans are loosing at an increasingly fast rate, is to post the wrong answer on the internet. And, you got a low quality answer because it’s coming also with emotion.

It’s a cute meme. But, you’re not serving yourself or the community as well as you could if you simply frame it as a question.

As an example here’s what was missing from the higher quality answer you deserved:

Donations can be made to candidates. But, the vast majority is made to the national committees, then allocated to presidential and down ballot campaigns. This is one way individual candidates are held ideologically hostage to the changing whims of corporations.

In the future please just ask questions. We don’t need a community for that on Lemmy… yet.


As a society we’re very quick to discard individuals, to judge and cancel them. But, some of the best people I know are that way in total rejection of the people they once were. They only shared after I figured it out and began talking about myself.

Here’s what happens if the white supremecist in the OP is given the benefit of the doubt in interpretation today, and by his own commitment makes it to “the other side”.

The state taught a man to hate. They didn’t teach him how to stop. A soldier had no war to fight, no principles of his own. The MAGA cult provides.

On the day of the attack, Dykes, a marine veteran, ripped down fencing that helped his platoon advance to the entrenched position outside the building, wrenched a riot shield out of the hands of an enemy soldier, and then watched as the outnumbered enemy line guarding entrance collapsed. Inside the building, Dykes joined a concerted push by disorganized units attempting to breach an enemy position.

Prison will give him time to think. It’s also hell. But, one does have time. If he uses that time to engage a gang then he’s probably lost forever. But, If he realizes his mistakes and consequently begins to reason his principles for himself, then he’s exactly the type of person I want on my team.


since he has the money, like real money to actually make a difference, and influence politically and celebrity wise

I agree, but would replace specific category of celebrities with mass media in general.

Starlink is being used by Ukraine during this war

There’s no substitute for the low ping times of modern hardware in LEO. Elon is evil. But he’s not stupid. As a user myself I think Starlink is a fantastic product, though in a physical package designed by a teenager.

If he’d not fucked around with Twitter he’d have been strongly positioned on either end of the communications industry, positioned to be even more powerful than he is. But, he’s gone for a shorter term play at an-cap fascism.

No he is safe as Rain

A perception of justice is prerequisite to a human life of dignity. When society’s systems of accountability are broken humans find another way. Sometimes a young man nearly assassinates an ex-President. Sometimes no one cares until researching for the history books.

Have faith. One way or another we’ll get the bastard. Or, maybe we’ll get lucky: He’ll take some more psychedelics and turn into a humanitarian.


Under current law, only someone shown to be innocent by means of a DNA test is eligible for compensation after being released. The law allows $36,500 a year for the same number of years the person was wrongly incarcerated.

The vetoed bill would have increased the payment to $65,000 a year and expanded it to include people freed by the conviction review process created in a 2021 law.


The conviction review process:

In order for elected prosecutors to have a pathway to correct wrongful convictions, it was up to the state legislature to pass a law


If this innocent person was eligible for payments in Missouri, which she is not, and if the bill was passed to increase payments, then she may have received a maximum of $2.8m. However, it’d be paid as an annuity of $65k per year. If she dies her family would get nothing more. And, the payments are in lieu of a civil suit.

She’ll have to sue if she wants justice. I hope she does. I’ve been to prison. I think she deserves to be comfortable for the rest of her life.


Yet, you never asked.
