I know you probably mean prostitutes or “escorts”, but aren’t porn actors also sex workers? I watch porn all the time, so do a lot of people. I feel sorry for the sad sacks who aren’t “allowed” to look at porn because their significant other is so goddamn insecure, the idea of their partner having their own private thoughts scares the shit out of them.
I thought going outside during an earthquake was the wrong thing to do.
I used to work at Lenovo’s fulfillment center through a temp company. The organization of the place (or lack thereof) is a complete clusterfuck. At the time I worked there, something like 5 to 10% of their inventory was “lost”, as in, it was somewhere in the building, but no one could find it since it’s location is no longer in the system.
In an art appreciation sub (I think it was r/museum) some jackhole said they liked a Van Gogh painting because “it had colors resembling the Ukrainian flag”. I caught a third strike for saying “Fuck Ukraine”. When I explained to the mod that it was because i was sick of political bullshit creeping into everything, and the painting in question was painted 100 years before Ukraine was even a country, he rescinded the ban, but it didn’t matter, it was my third strike on Reddit. I even got a cute little hammer emoji. Yeah, fuck Reddit.
Obama could have, should have, codified it into law, but didn’t. This gives the fake liberals something to run on instead of real things like a livable wage or healthcare for all. God I hate this fucking country.