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Yeah, firefighter mentalities are terrible.

That said, as someone in software development, wouldn’t there be some optimization work you could do? Keeping up with the technology? Preparing training material? Figuring out the next steps for the next improvements to be done to the system? Looking at solutions to better monitor what is going on? Scripts to automate tasks?

I find it hard to believe that things are so static.


the problem is you can’t easily go get another job because all the other jobs require a stupid amount of qualifications that don’t really relate to what they are offering in anyway shape or form.

Job postings are a wishlist for an ideal candidate. Only some of the stuff is actually required, For the rest, it varies based on how scarce people able and willing to work in that field are.

To see through the fog, you have to try reaching out. Either apply at places or try to build yourself a network. Sadly I’m not great at it myself. Alternatively, if you have the time and inclination to learn new skills, that’s a thing you can do.


He does not need to lose the next election. He needs to be behind bars.

1 point

This stuff depends on context.

If it’s the first time someone is told this, sure. If someone is asking not to be constantly harassed for having done this once, then that person is right. Once they’ve been told once, it’s plenty if education is the goal. If the person knows to tell you not to tell them that, they’ve been told once. If someone is asking that the guy who leaked the nudes be acted against, then that person is right. If someone is excusing shitting behavior because the victim should have protected themselves better, they are blaming the victim, shame on them.


I think this depends on the crowd. Unfortunately, the intelligent crowd and the crowd with money and power is not exactly the same. Though hopefully there is overlap.


I think this points to a large problem in our society is how we train and pick our managers. Oh wait we don’t. They pick us.

-1 points

Since you seem to be surprised people got offended or hurt, I will try to decode this interaction for you. Based on seeing essentially this discussion online over and over again.

I mean my take on this is the original post is essentially saying :

"Please be understanding of women turning you down in less than ideal ways (ie: Ghosting, etc.), they are afraid for their safety because they keep hearing stories of violence from men angry that women did not do what they wanted them to do. "

Then you essentially say :

“There are many good men too”. It’s also very easy to read into what you say “And we should be talking about how they don’t get talked about or remembered” even if you didn’t mean to say it that way

This is besides the point. It indicates that you either did not decode the original message right or lack empathy for the situation. I mean, it’s very likely the first, but the second is why people can get angry at a reaction like this. If you want to start a discussion on a different topic, why does it need to be in this thread?

What we haven’t even mentioned

There are a LOT of things we haven’t mentioned. I don’t understand why you feel the need to change the topic a second time in a thread asking for empathy.


Where I live we have this huge river around our city that provides most of the province with freshwater (along with all of the rivers that feed into it, but the population concentrates around that one big river)

That one big river is also a place for ships to go through, and an ecosystem (despite all of the disruption).

More water in use by all kinds of facilities still manages to lower the level of the river significantly, to the point where there have been worries raised about the ecosystem and where shipping capacity was reduced.
