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SoyViking [he/him]
14 posts • 1.9K comments
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The most funny part, that no western mainstream journalist would ever tell you, is that this supposed affront to democracy, norms and civil society is comparable to legislation that the US has had on the books for more than a century and still actively enforces. The EU has proposed similar rules. But no, this is “the Russian law”.


Trump-proofing NATO = Liberal theatrics in the front, houndish subservience and increased tributes payments to the US MIC in the back.


Trump’s anti-war rhetoric has been bullshit from the beginning and he will continue the Ukraine war. The only possible sliver of hope is that since Trump is a new guy, it will not be as big a loss of face to him to cut the losses and end the war his predecessor started as it would be to Genocide Joe, had he been reappointed.


The scandal will be that he refused to eat pork before the sex and he will have to resign in shame.


I believe the world would be a better place if fascists just began fucking eachother instead of competing about who can be most


A society that is essentially a genocidal death cult tends to produce sane and well-balanced individuals.


Moms have the right to self-defence. We must never let millions of moms get murdered in another Holocaust.


Politicians and bureaucrats loves putting everything on the computer because it significantly reduces the cost to them for doing bureaucracy either by paper or by face to face interactions. Since putting everything on the computer has always been about doing more bureaucracy for less money and not about creating a more resilient or better society nobody has been too eager to pay for stuff like redundancies.

I don’t know what the situation is like in other golf course countries but I have a suspicion that Denmark is not unique in having underfunded and neglected IT security. When authorities reviewed 25 out of 90 public IT systems designated as being of critical importance to society, auditors found “very severe” security flaws in 20. These flaws included lacking plans for how to avoid data loss and restore services after a major breakdown. Only seven of the 25 had plans in place for major emergencies. Stating “security through obscurity” reasons, the regime has denied to tell the public any further details, including what systems were found to be faulty, what specific 25 systems were reviewed or even to make the list of the 90 critically important IT systems public.

The situation is aggravated by government bodies having fewer and fewer qualified IT professionals employed, instead relying on external consultants on a project by project base.

Bottom line: We’re fucked. Everything depends on the computer and if the Russians, the Chinese or the perfidious Swede made a serious attempt to strike at these systems the whole house of cards might come tumbling down.


Ursula von der Leyen’s father was named Ernst Albrecht. Being born in 1930 he came too late to be a proper Nazi but he grew up to be a piece of shit anyways. He was a CDU ghoul who ruled as the minister president of Lower Saxony from 1976 to 1990.

NATOpedia writes the following about the minister of justice, responsible for prisons and police, appointed by Albrecht:

In 1976, Albrecht made Hans Puvogel his minister of justice. During his tenure, Puvogel was particularly active in combatting notions of more liberal penal and rehabilitation systems. He had already set out justification for his stance in a 1935-1936 doctoral thesis. There, he wrote of the “inheritance of criminal tendencies”, of “constitutionally predisposed criminals” and “inferior people”, who would have to be “eliminated from the community”. “Only a person of value to the race” would have “a right to exist within the national community”.

Albrecht was not only tough on crime, he also supported the veterans (again from NATOpedia):

The state government under Ernst Albrecht used every opportunity to court former Nazis. In a 1978 speech, Deputy Premier Wilfried Hasselmann (CDU) greeted the Association of Knight’s Cross Recipients, a league of former Wehrmacht (Hitler’s army) officers and SS men, certifying that they had “shown courage and given an example to others”. Hasselmann declared he was “deeply impressed by the solidarity of your order. You have fulfilled your duty as soldiers in an exemplary manner. This will continue to be evident to a younger generation”.

During his tenure he was involved in several scandals, including the so-called “Celle Hole” a false flag operation in which the Lower Saxon secret police in collusion with the paramilitary force GSG 9 attempted to feign an escape from the federal prison in Celle and pin it on the RAF. The operation was a complete failure and and was later discovered to be a false flag.

Albrecht did a short stint in the federal parliament before leaving elected office in 1992. After that he became a business investment entrepreneur. German NATOpedia writes the following:

Albrecht became the chairman of the supervisory board of EHW Thale AG [a collectively owned metal factory in Democratic Germany] after leaving government service. Since the Treuhandanstalt [West German organisation set up to facilitate and organise the plunder of Democratic Germany after the annexation] couldn’t find an investor for the company, Albrecht bought it on January 1, 1993, together with the Bremen merchant Hans Henry Lamotte, for a symbolic price of one Deutsche Mark, with Albrecht holding 95% and Lamotte 5% of the shares. The state of Saxony-Anhalt took over the complete remediation of old environmental damages and guaranteed 80% of the company’s old debts. The company’s children’s and recreation center in Güntersberge, which was supposed to be excluded from the sale and transferred to the state of Saxony-Anhalt, was “accidentally” transferred to the investors according to parliamentary state secretary Joachim Grünewald (CDU). The investors were not willing to transfer it back to the state for free but demanded 5.5 million DM for it, while its market value was estimated at 4.4 million DM. The terms under which the Treuhand eventually repurchased the recreation center were kept secret. In April 1997, Albrecht sold the company again for one Mark to the Schunk Group.

So rest assured, our supreme figurehead comes from the finest family possible.
