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Help a brother out, what’s a tankie?


NTA. I’m not sure what your father did, but it sounds like it has had a profound impact on yours and your sisters life. It also sounds that your father isnt exactly inline to win a no. 1 dad trophie.

Sounds like your aunt is coming from a place where the appearance of family, and the tradition of family is above your and your sisters feelings.

Personally, I believe fuck that. Blood ain’t thicker than water. If someone who is meant to love and care you unconditionally and doesn’t, then you don’t owe them anything.


Robot vacuume Good running shoes A good pair of headphones


I have seen people get nice furniture second hand like a half cupboard/storage unit/etc from second hand shops and install racks into them and mount everything in there and cut some vent holes at the back.

For extra points wack some flowers and a photo of your wife on top with a doyley.

I have seen one guy even model the air flow on his computer to find the right ventilation setup


I can only partially answer this. Humans cannot sense moisture on the skin, only temperature and tactile (e.g. something on the skin, or moving along the skin like a droplet)

Something that cannot transfer heat would, I assume, feel not like putting a hand in water, but rather something…else?


Tdarr is probably your best bet. Its main focus is video but it used ffmeg as the backend, so anything it supports is supported in Tdarr (theoretically)


You may need to configure ffmeg arguments in the tdarr step chain if there isn’t a default step you can use.


I really like TeamCity from JetBrains. It seems to not be the most popular, but I think it’s leagues ahead of Jenkins. Though, unlike Jenkins, TeamCity is not open source. For an instance with up to 3 agents and a maximum of 100 build configurations its free.

The TC devs have been incrementally improving a refresh on its UI called Sakura, which is quite nice but can also be managed using config as code which uses xml.


I’ve had to find a solution similar to what you are looking for. My need was due to being double NAT’ed where I had no control over the internet facing router/NAT.

Personally, my solution was to use Oracle Clouds free tier service to host and NGINX reverse proxy as Oracle also offers free static IPs to there compute instances. From there I used Tailscale to join the instance to a Proxmox container running Docker on my server running services I wanted exposed to the internet (Emby, and a few 'Arrr apps). I’ve found it to be remarkably stable (much more than I expected).

An alternative method is to use Cloudflare tunnels, which are very easy to get setup. It in essence is the same principle as above but using Cloudflare’s ‘reverse proxy as a service’ type product. I was not able to use this for my needs as Cloudflare do not allow media streaming.

If you do choose the first option, I would recommend isolating the server running the exposed services to its own network that cannot touch your day-to-day network. I also recommend configuring ACLs in Tailscale to restrict traffic to specific ports from specific hosts to minimise any risk of having exposed services. Oh, and automatic updates to the OS and services is ideal.

I saw you are using basic HTTP auth, whilst it is secure enough it does have some issues with making connections more difficult, particularly if you are using any of your services API’s (it is also not the best user experience IMO). I would recommend setting up oAuth/SSO if yunohost supports it.

Lastly, as other users have said, even if you don’t use either suggestion, put a reverse proxy on it. NGINX Proxy Manager is a nice friendly solution with a web GUI if you are not too familiar with proxy configs


“Dont cheap out between you and the ground”

I think I got this from my grandfather and it means, dont cheap out on shoes, mattresses, shoes, etc. I feel it has done me well so far


Oh yes! Thank you, I can definitely do that! Really great shout!
