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Just trying to chill, dudes. ✌️

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I’ve always heard great things, and i loved him in fight club, and more importantly Tenacious D; Pick of Destiny. I am looking forward to looking up this album, because i would describe my music interests as similar as yours.


They kind of do, but it really adds to it. Sort of like a corn dumpling almost. But it’s best to just crumble them up and mix them in slowly from the top of the soup. Then only the bottom ones get soggy, and you get a little crunch left from what you pull off the top of the pile.

I personally started pressing my own tortillas recently, and they’re a little thick and they turn into literally corn dumplings.


I second the taco soup. I call it tortilla soup and do it a little differently, as they stated. It is really simple and really quite delicious.

I make it with a whole chicken which is fairly cheap, in a slow cooker, hard to mess up. But just the other night i made it with some plain chicken breasts i picked up that day. Butterfly cut them seared them off and finished them in the soup.

Three or four cups of Chicken stock.

I omit the taco seasoning and just use healthy amount of cumin and a little chili powder. Salt (depending on salt content of chicken stock), pepper, garlic powder.

Cans of corn, black beans, garbanzo beans, roasted tomato.

I recently started sauteeing a heap of mushrooms chopped to bits and adding that too.

Finish with a squirt of lime, some cheese, and tortilla chips, or i sometimes crisp up some regular corn tortillas and cut them up in it.

Super simple, tasty. I personally can eat it throughout the week.


I cannot, for the life of me, get my picture to post of my favorite tree. I resized it as low grain as possible and cropped it, then screen shot it…still won’t post. It is simply a birch tree, a great big mother in front of my cabin. Sadly when they relocated my driveway, they dug out a portion of her roots, and she is now dying. It’s also not a great season to show off her girth and beauty. But i wanted to share, my literal favorite tree.


Wow, that crescendo was very striking. Like a frozen spike grew right next to my spine. From 1:30 to 2:00 it started as a splinter and grew. Tragic.

Have you seen this movie? I’m curious.


I was taught its only in relation to spending. You can be a conservative democrat, if you believe in traditional democratic values but also believe we should spend money conservatively A liberal believes we should spend money liberally to achieve those results. It’s like two spectrums overlayed. A graph of political identity.

Sure especially these days where everything is extremism in American politics it doesnt seem that way. Everything is right wing or left wing.

I remember when it was rude to talk about politics or religion. Everyone was allowed to believe what they want and still be friends with each other. Crazy.

Not taking a stance, just saying what i was taught at least. Times have changed since i was educated.


Bless you, you wonderful human being.


Yup just cancelled my subscription, once i followed the link to confirm from Playstation not heresy. And yeah what a way to announce it, douches.

I’m a long time Playstation fan, had every system.

