(He/Him, They/Them)
Just a guy, really
It’s pretty nice. I do hope it picks up more activity of course, but it’s just been a chill and low key sorta thing for me so far. Way less toxic than most other sites I’ve used.
Reading weird patch notes is the same vibe as reading weird warning labels on machines. What happened to cause that?
Vegas and Miami aren’t races for us common folk, they’re for the socialites.
I kinda love when AAA games get a stupidly expensive collectors edition that like ten people will buy. Just like seeing what insane shit they throw in them.
I play some big name titles, but I kinda turned mine into an emulation box. New games are good and all, but portable Paper Mario TTYD is a dream.
The Steamworld team never disappoints. I definitely recommend Dig 1 and Quest too.
This is the one for me. Hope it keeps most of what CS1 has and doesn’t sell them back as expansions a year from now. That and better public transport management (which seems to be a thing here) + mixed zoning would make this perfect in my eyes.