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Reddit agrees with you that that information is valuable and that is part of the reason for the API changes. They want to make money off of the free collaboration of others. Better for it be torn apart person by person and rebuilt elsewhere than let it be sold.

Deleted by creator

But that would be fine, wouldn’t it? Then they wouldn’t show up elsewhere, they would basically be using lemmy as a template to make a standalone website. If they want the general audience, they would have to create a general experience that is better than being connected to all the other servers, and that would be a lot of work.

But maybe I’ve misunderstood it, because I’m new to all this.


I’ve been thinking we call it web4.0 to mess with the cryptobros. Idk if it is an accurate name, but I bet they would hate it.


Your second bullet point is the one I have wanted fixed badly as soon as I started using lemmy. I want there to be a small button at the top of posts that takes me to that same post but through the server where my account is. Idk how that would work though. Maybe a browser addon that remembers where my accounts live? I wish I had the knowledge to make that sort of thing.

Sorry I deleted and reposted this comment, having an issue I’m trying to figure out.


Web3 was suppose to be this decades revolution of the internet, where everything became interconnected and decentralized and without authority figures or something

Then cryptocurrency enthusiasts decided blockchain counts as that and starting calling everything related to cryptocurrency and Blockchain web3. So now web3 just means cryptocurrency, but they still act like it is the future of the entire internet. I think it is pretty dumb, who wants finances intrinsically tied to everything they do online?


You are free to do whatever you would like with your server, but I won’t pretend this is isn’t pretty disappointing.

I’ve enjoyed this community a lot from what I’ve seen so far, and was very happy to have my main account live here.

However, while I appreciate a place that is focused on being nice, and freely hostile to the hostile, I’m not interested in an experience so sheltered that it feels hidden from the world at large. In regards to your statements that you wanted to avoid an echo chamber, this action seems very contradictory.

To be clear I don’t think your issues were small. Trolls flooding your instance from larger instances is terrible and must be overwhelming and unsolvable for your small mod team. However, I see this as growing pains for a platform like this. I expected a response like petitioning your recently grown community for additional moderators. I didn’t expect a rejection of the larger lemmy community and the growth it has been experiencing.

I’m not exactly certain how all parts of federation work yet, but I hope I’ll be able to find a server that is a 3rd party, and federated with major instances as well as beehaw, where I can make my new account, and see the greater breadth of content I desire, without being cut off from beehaw. If anyone could recommend a server, that would be greatly appreciated. If that isn’t how it works and isn’t possible, then at least, thank you beehaw for introducing me to the fediverse.


In my experience while the amount of moderating done was comparable, the actual content that got removed was different.

In left spaces you would often see people with conservative opinions getting banned and deleted… After they started saying slurs or insulting people. Some people would argue that whether or not something is considered a slur or an insult is a difference in political opinion, but those kinds of things are already against the reddit site-wide rules so it’s moot.

In places like r/conservative, people would get banned for being aggressive and insulting people, but also for ever presenting an opinion that isn’t strictly in line with modern conservatism. The moderators of that subreddit used bans to remove any and all dissent no matter how severe or mild.


I would love to see him in a regular prison like he deserves, but can a person with secret service protection even get anything worse than house arrest? I’ve been unable to find clarifying information on this.

What he deserves is to not have special treatment anymore, but who knows how it will happen
