
SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]

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yeah watching something beautiful get warped 180 degrees out of shape along all axes to fit the pithy platitudes of neoliberal patriarchy was utterly cringe inducing


Evangelion Reboots:

“akshualafsfdkasldfajsdflasdflly eva isnt about a life affirming struggle through relationships and meaning in a society that has gone down shit creek beset by the eldritch elite, its about shinji becoming pure and good through muh reincarnation to b th best most ubermenschen christian capitalist salaryman with a hot wife accessory teehee”


How so? To me it was based for a hollywood film, although it falls short of any meaningful systemic critique, or highlights any of the devastating human costs of climate change in a realistic, respectful way, at least it acknowledged there was a problem and the billionaire elite are part of it.


Iraq war veteran

Sir i am gravely sorry to inform you of this new development, but sir…

You are a war criminal.

Its not too late, go to church and ask god to forgive you, enjoy your wealth in retirement, spend time with your kids, watch your Fox news and your HBO, but please dont come back here.


Yeah “political” youtube is basically tiger king at this point, theyre all small business owners fighting to compete in this “marketplace of ideas”, its just entertainment, manipulation, lies and cults of personality.


Cracker = Detected

Opinion = Ejected

Right to exist = Rejected

:party-sicko: :party-sicko: :party-sicko:


I dont mean to ask this question to hurt, spread blame, or attack any parents here, rather, I want to humbly know what you see that I fail to see.

Why create more individuals when the world is such a fucked up place? Is there a sincere hope for the future? Pragmatic reasons?


that’s not at all what any of that states. the textual “happy ending” brings with it the baggage that the entire show and five movies established prior: life is difficult and you will get hurt. it, by providing a point of contrast, underlines those ideas. life is difficult and you will get hurt, but it is worth it

This is what I mean when I stated "the current world we have, although not perfect, is the best option, not only for individual self actualization, but in terms of seeking “happiness”. "

Again, this is looking at the world using a god’s eye view stating that “Life” as a grand construct or universal state of being is this or that. We simply cannot view “Life” as something separate from material conditions or the current socioeconomic order through the narrow perspective we have as human beings.

the real world is never once posited as the best possible option for the world or individual happiness. it is the only possible option because it is all that exists.

Again, this is literally saying that all we have in front of us is all that exists and is the only possible option for individual happiness. “It isn’t great but it could be worse.”

you, as a human being living on earth in 2021, cannot wave a magic spear and make global communism happen, you have to go out, into the capitalist hellscape of the real world, and work to bring it about, suffering as you do so, because that is what it costs to achieve things. other, better things can exist, but if all you do is sit in your room and watch mecha anime you will never bring them about

Exactly! And yet Shinji goes and becomes a salaryman wagie living together with his impossible waifu. The rebuilds in essence state that happiness is a moral imperative, and the only way forwards unto happiness is through accepting the role of a married wagecuck. Shinji is not shown returning to the village struggling to bring about any form of collective power with his comrades.


Then you strongly disagree with Anno on that one,

Well yes. Because I think the original Evangelion series is far too complicated to draw any sort of morality from, its art, something truly open to interpretation.

…you’re considering the rebuilds as if they are meant to be understood separately from the original series instead of being complementary

Yes again, there is no substantive consistency between the rebuilds and the original series imo. They just improved the form and hollowed out all substance.

Capitalist realism, in the context of the ending of 3.0+1.0, would be if Shinji remade everything exactly as it was, with Evas and NERV and the angels and all of the conflict inherent in that, because that is already the metaphor for the real world within the larger meta-framework of the narrative.

That doesn’t make a difference because they just replaced the “metaphor” with the real thing and cheaply posited that as the “happy ending”. That is literally stating that the current world we have, although not perfect, is the best option, not only for individual self actualization, but in terms of seeking “happiness”. I also fail to see how the angels, nerv, and the evas have any real-world equivalent other than climate change and the deep state.
