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Designing something from scratch and expecting it to work on the first try probably won’t work.

My suggestion would be, to start with some simple blueprints for a train station, intersections etc. and just use it until you run into issues. Then you can improve on it, update your blueprints, use those for a while and repeat.

For example, I tried the whole refueling station for a while, and had bad experiences with it. It created bottle necks and fixing those turned into a whack-a-mole type of situation for me. What I did instead was to refuel my trains at every station that wasn’t purely a mine (I excluded those, because those will get torn down when the resources dry up and the trains picking stuff up there will always drop it off at another station that has refueling).

So now my station blueprint includes a stop for a refueling train that only enables when the local stock of fuel drops low.


I really need to do that for people, maybe even take some notes (basically a who is who, until characters are solidly established in my head).


I really like it so far. I’m level 45 (bow rogue) and am clearing up some side quests in act 3 before moving on in the main story. The presentation is stunning and game play works for me for now (I hope other classes don’t all rely on this charge up/release style of play though).

Talent trees seem ok, although I’m not sure how much variation there will actually be. Some skills really seem vastly more useful due to synergies that I can’t find with other skills. However I haven’t reached the higher levels yet and am mostly ignoring this whole legendary aspect thingy for now and I haven’t even unlocked the paragon stuff.


I’ve only ever used artillery outposts once in a game with 1000x science cost where we were so far behind with science vs biter evolution manual clearing just wasn’t an option.

Every other time it is just manual clearing and then blocking off the cleared are with reinforced walls (if expansion is on). Early on with turret crawl, then tanks/grenades and later nukes and power armor.


Still wt1, playing through the story. Act 3 done, just need to clear up a few side quests, lvl 45ish bow rogue.

I just pick the skills that seem to work best after unlocking each new tier and now I’m filling in some passives that seem to support what I’m doing.

Haven’t unlocked lots of aspects nor could I afford to imbue them on new gear, I mostly don’t even bother with gems for now.

I don’t know yet when it is going to stop with story and levelling and turn into a grind for gear acquisition, I’ll try it out but if it doesn’t really click for me I might just pick another class to level.

I never really bothered with “botting” hundreds or thousands of Baal/Pindle/council runs in D2, so who knows.


I use Libation, works great for me.


Don’t be me tho, I didn’t do class quest to unlock the Druid Passive boons till Lv ~37. Granted by then I at least had enough of the items to unlock every one of them.

It doesn’t help that apparently that quest is locked behind a stronghold. I just reached that point, hoping with the benefits of being a 2nd character I’ll be able to blast through it at those low levels.


Everytime I need to offload my inventory (which is the majority of why I go to town), I need a smith, vendor and my stash. Cerrigar is actually kinda the worst town for me.

It’s only a few seconds difference though, so opening the map and searching for specific town is probably more time wasted than just hitting the town portal button.


Totally off topic, but from the thumbnail I thought this was a post about some new Factorio mod or maybe space exploration base.

As far as I’m aware I haven’t seen even a single Wes Anderson movie, but I have a few on my watch list. Looking forward to see what his “style” is all about.


I really hate that it is becoming mandatory. I would have preferred the option to either have a reasonably priced service to replace the battery or have it user replaceable. Forcing one solution just seems not very consumer friendly.

I don’t like the compromises they have to make to make them easily replaceable and I never had a battery fail on me.
