

1 posts • 131 comments
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Unless those working people happen to be LGBTQ. Then red and blue does matter.

Same goes for: The educated. Brown folks. Black folks. Women. Post-birth children.

Huh… Turns out that both sides are not the same after all.


«Me plugging my ears as I walk by crazy right wing protestors»

“Ahhh! You’re not listening to me! You’re not respecting my freedom of speech! And if you tell your friends that I’m an asshole and to avoid my ramblings, then you hate free speech!”


I think Combs deserves his own spin-off series where he leaps™ into the bodies of various franchise characters that he has played in order to right some previous wrong.

Co-starring Captain Archer as his invisible assistant.


I’m not saying that he has late stage syphilitic dementia. But if he doesn’t then I’m somehow even more confused about his recent actions.


I have to disagree (but won’t downvote!)

AI porn is creepy. In multiple ways!

But it’s also a natural evolution of what we’ve been doing as a species since before we were a species.

Does imagining a different partner while having sex or masturbating count? I would imagine most people would say, “no”.

How about if somebody draws a crude stick figure of somebody they met on the street? Unless you’re Randall Munroe, this is probably harmless too.

Now a highly skilled portrait artist paints a near replica of somebody he knows, but has never seen in the nude. They never mention their friend by name, but the output is lifelike and unmistakably them.

Maybe a digital artist finds a few social media pictures of a person and decided to test drive Krita and manipulates them into appearing nude.

Or, and this happened to me quite recently, you find your porn doppelganger. My spouse found mine and it ruined her alone time. And they really did look just like me! Taking that a step further, is it illegal to find somebody’s doppelganger and to dress them up so that they look more like their double?

Like you, I don’t want people like this in my life. But it feels like this is one of those slippery slopes that turns out to be an actual slippery slope.

You can’t make it illegal without some serious downstream effects.

If you did, the servers will just get hosted in an Eastern European country that is happy to lulwat at American warrants.

I don’t have any answers, just more Devil’s advocate-esque questions. If there was a way to make it illegal without any collateral damage, I’d be proudly behind you leading the charge. I just can’t imagine a situation where it wouldn’t get abused, a’la the DMCA.


It’ll only affect 32bit systems with ancient operating systems storing dates in epoch time.

Not a small number. But nowhere remotely near what Y2K could have been.

Hopefully by the time we need to account for a 64bit rollover, I’ll be comfortably retired. But by that time, proton decay may be a more worrisome problem.


Some of us do care.

A product directly bankrolled by Peter Thiel? A project, not concerned about blocking ads but rather making sure that it’s their ads that you see?

If you’re on iOS. Maybe the EU will bail you out and force Apple to allow other web engines.

If you’re on Android, Firefox works perfectly well and Fennec is a fine fork.

If you’re on anything else, Librewolf is fork of Firefox without all of the Pocket and other privacy hostile default settings.


It takes nearly as long to decrapify a new Firefox install as it does to compile Librewolf.

Install uBlock.

Tell Firefox that you don’t want to sync at the moment.

Disable “sponsored” stories. AKA, listicles designed to draw in idiots who want to see which 8 child actors from the 90s turned out to be the tallest. Alarmingly close to the tacky crap that you might see on a fresh Windows install.

Tell Firefox that you don’t want to sync at the moment.

Now disable Pocket. Remembering to go into about:config to really disable it

Disable telemetry.

Tell Firefox that you don’t want to sync at the moment.

Remove Amazon, Bing, et al. from the search engine list.

Remove “suggested” and “sponsored” autocomplete.

Tell Firefox that you don’t want to sync at the moment.

Remind yourself that, despite this crap, Firefox is still a better browser than any Chromium knockoff.


If you thought you hated Ubuntu, lemme introduce you to Ubuntuce!

The same shitty, anti-FOSS hyperfocus on Snaps, but now bundled with your favorite evangelical nuttiness!

I’m guessing that zombie processes automatically get born again.

I think the Venn diagram between Christofascists and Linux OS developers is one person.


If this level of transparency was available for various news and other social sites, I’d be more likely to buy a subscription to them.

The honesty is great and makes this feel more like an actual community or a co-op.

I’ll be curious to see how these numbers change, both the monthly cost and the amount of contributions, as more and more people join up.
