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I don’t know about recent events, or chatgpt4 lately, but i reallly thing it has gotten far worse in the latest months, around the time when issues about protection of jobs against AI and ethical were arising.

I started web development in the last year and was desperately looking for a job, i learned React and Django and was really bad at those as well.
I just got a chance to land a fullstack job near my home, it required Node and Angular, liked my interview and wanted to test me in 2 weeks.

I really put a lot of effort and hours myself, followed documentations and tutorials, but i kid you not, chatgpt got me out of a looot of stupid issues i could not figure out, either syntax, or complete explanation of what i was wrong about, (i really don’t like and use copy-paste of its code, just because i needed to learn, not complete the project).

Landed that job with my boss even congratulating me on my assignment and got around with my tasks better than what i used to do with my own code.

Lately I feel it is waaay worse, maybe it’s me using it just to find out something i can’t already find anywhere else, but it’s not uncommon I paste in some code, and he spits out word for word the same thing i’m telling it is not working


Well… Not that i voted for her nor will I ever… But trust me, the alternatives were garbage…

I stopped voting last 2 election because it was getting embarrassing…

All promises in campaign, then they internally fight over position and roles then make the government collapse and so on…
Nothing is stable, nothing gets done, every situation is just “something the previous government left and that we have to face” over and over again.

We did not choose her…she was just the only one who didn’t yet have a go at it.

It’s stupid, not ideal, but the standard around her is just trash


welp… i go to fail this too… xD

read the documentation you listed
dug around the official docs setting up and getting informed beforehand

I read about testing to the staging letsencrypt api, but then forgot to add that

ran the container, it failed to get ssl certificates, but it blocked me in less than 20 seconds

I then changed some configs, since i was testing different ways of how it might work, but even after switching to the staging api for letsencrypt, i still receive logs saying it is refused and on timeout

ERR ts=1688509895.6641216 logger=tls.obtain msg=will retry error=[nextcloud.mysite.com] Obtain: [nextcloud.mysite.com] solving challenge: nextcloud.mysite.com: [nextcloud.mysite.com] authorization failed: HTTP 400 urn:ietf:params:acme:error:dns - DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up A for nextcloud.mysite.com - check that a DNS record exists for this domain; DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up AAAA for nextcloud.mysite.com - check that a DNS record exists for this domain (ca=https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory) attempt=2 retrying_in=120 elapsed=66.535909489 max_duration=2592000

ERR ts=1688509906.5700405 logger=tls.obtain msg=unable to unlock identifier=sp.mysite.com lock_key=issue_cert_sp.27082019.xyz error=remove /data/caddy/locks/issue_cert_sp.mysite.com.lock: no such file or director

i just might be cursed


wow, thanks for all the help!! Man, i misssed this kind of community feel for the last like…4 years.

I just woke up and saw this comment, as i get back from work i’ll test it.
Yesterday I’ve tried making nginx proxy manager and cloudflare work, since I had already tried them couple of times, but still, i get to the same point and can’t really figure out why I either get “Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.” or " Web server is down Error code 521 "


well…i failed yet again… xD
i was up until 2 am trying tweaking porkbun, cloudflare and nginx proxy manager…
Everything says it’s up and running, but i keep getting
" Web server is down Error code 521 "
“Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.”

Now am also late for work and only slept like 5 hours…
and what bugs me the most is that this is just the "testing " setup… when i’ll finally get it working i’d have to do it all over again for the main services and private stuff :(


wow, thanks!

guess it was not as obscure as I thought…

Right now i’m following step by step the nginx proxy manager tutorials, reeeaally reeeally slowly so i can take notes for the next time, and undertsanding better

Hope not to screw it up again xD
I really need nextcloud and my data at hand, i’m so tired of having thigns scattered between google drive, keeps, notion, calendars etc…


I tried it couple of times when i was less knowledgeable, and failed… i do need to give it another try, but I really struggle focusing on this steps…

It almost makes javascript seem quick and easy hahahah


thanks again for the clarification.
I have used a wireguard instance for my father’s synology couple years ago following some tutorials since his account was having problems using the synology quickconnect for some reason ( solved by the support )

Anyway, yeah I remember it was kinda of an hassle to setup and explain to him multiple times the process…and to be honest i quite forget most of it myself…

On Android one can’t just run one app via vpn right??
like tunneling just the nextcloud app and leavin the rest alone…


thanks a lot for the easy recap !!
I remember hearing and checking out Nginx Proxy Manager while following tutorials some mention that, but i found the tutorials kinda awkward at the time and didn’t fully understand what it was for ( it was kinda of a long time ago tbh ).

As for the ISP, it is Fastweb, in italy, and is kinda a bummer, they rely on Telecom’s FTTC network ( meaning the cable and cabinets infrastructure ) for their service, so i can either choose Fastweb ( kinda good pricing since I only have internet and no home phone ) or Telecom’s pricing are like and armed robbery, where the fixed price you sign is already higher, and is full of hidden paid service that pop up every now and again and it gets you mad on how many times you have to call their customer service to either remove those service or claim refund.

Other ISPs in my area don’t have fiber connection and top to like 5 Mbs downloads on a good day.

Anyway, thanks a lot!


same here about reddit, I just joined as well, and also plan on giving back to communities I enjoyed in reddit.

Unfortunately i’m kinda busy with a new job and I haven’t had time yet to properly set up all my communities and start adding content :(

anyway, thanks a lot, i didn’t know about tildes, i’ll check it out !!
