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I mean at the end of the day they are making money from user activity via ads and selling user data. If you are not using the site anymore you are therefore useless to them, you need to starve the beast not give it a snack. I would suggest scrubbing your account as well even though its clear they already have a copy.


I mean the part of the problem is people have this irrational hatred of moderators. Like obviously some of them are power tripping people but I think people sort of forget these at the end of the day volunteers who are making the place actually usable for its purpose. Obviously this isn’t to give them a free pass and they are as fallible as any other human and should be held accountable when they make mistakes but it feels so many people want a perfectly moderated space but without the mods.


Why are we in the fallacy that we assume this tech is going to be stagnant? At the current moment it does very low tier coding but the idea we are even having a conversation about a computer even having the possibility of writing code for itself (not in a machine learning way at least) was mere science fiction just a year ago.


I mean its just a shooter that follows in the footsteps of wolfenstein/doom with very maze like designs with a reliance of colored key(cards), secrets in walls, where you are typically holding your whole arsenal at once. I wouldn’t really call BF1942 a boomer shooter or any of the older BF games part of the genre, which is mostly mirroring.


The playtests were streamed/vod’ed. Its only 15 bucks and there is no secret monetization. Its just a return of simplicity. Once people got the ball rolling, its a bit hard to stop. This isn’t to say its not a flawed game since honestly the progression sucks and there needs to be a bit more balancing since its tiring to see the same 4 or 5 guns over and over again.

It made sense back when everyone was, more or less, on board with the program of western civilization. We may not all have been Christian back then, but almost all of us were, and everyone supported Judeo-Christian values without question. Homosexuals were regularly taken outside and beaten to a pulp, so it was extremely rare for anyone to think such behavior was acceptable.

At this point we need to ask ourselves what the purpose of freedom is. Are we a free people so we can exercise perverted pleasures of the flesh, the slaughter of innocent babies, and genital mutilation of children without their parents knowledge? If you answer "yes", you just might be repeating the whisper of a demon.

The purpose of our freedom is to worship God as we see fit, and to do His will. In the past we never needed to spell that out, because it went without saying. Different people have different views and belief systems, and they're all valid provided they all worship God.

As secular society grows, we lose the underlying reason for our freedom. Freedom is still a valid concept for anyone who knows how to use it correctly, and who understands that the ultimate freedom is the freedom from sin, which is achieved by accepting Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.

But for those who think the purpose of freedom is to follow Satan, to abuse themselves and others, to commit endless sins, and then, most evil of all, to celebrate pride in their sin (as if they don't even understand that pride itself is a sin), no, I no longer agree that people are entitled to live their lives in the way that they want. They're entitled to repent, and once they do that we can discuss freedom.

Here is your exact quote, there is no “misrepresentation” here. You are firstly suggesting that the gays are worshiping (indirectly or directly) Satan and have no right to “freedom” because your fictionally sky daddy said so. Lets take a step backwards, so you are suggesting your all loving god, basically has doomed 3/5s (if not more until the white people came) of the world because he decided to only care about Europe and part of the middle east for hundreds to thousands of years because this all knowing being somehow couldn’t have stable and growing amount of worshipers in Asia, the Americas, Australia, the pacific, etc dooming them all to hell (or purgatory depending on your denomination) because they as you say can’t be able to accept “Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.”

You yearn for a day when everyone (in your neighborhood) had your stupid sky daddy’s beliefs and if they didn’t you wouldn’t pull the trigger or what not but you aren’t opposed because now we live in a world of sin and whatnot and you want them to repent because they decide to have their freedom that is instill upon them because they are born a fucking human not because a fucking fictional sky daddy said you have it.

It god damn hilarious you are also reiterating god damn fanfic, the cardinal 7 sins weren’t a major concept until they were first enumerated by Pope Gregory I in the 6th century and further expanded upon by St. Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century. Then to top it all off, we as a modern society mostly know the configuration of hell by a god damn self insert fanfic by Dante Alighieri in “Divine Comedy” or to be more specific Dante’s Inferno.

Also seems you aren’t very godly if you aren’t even following Jesus’ own words

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39),

Your love seems very conditional on the concept that they have to worship your god before they deserve any love. Its honestly disgusting and you are the posterchild of why people hate religious nuts. People can worship what they want if they aren’t hurting people but holy shit the shit you are willfully allowing by decree people deserve no freedom if they don’t have Judeo-Christians.


I mean but it isn’t. Its weird but if you are at least semi familiar with the concept of a feudalism its a closeish example. Every franchise owner who basically pay MickyDs to use the branding as long as they pay a cut to the corporate (the King/emperor of the MickyD’s kingdom) and all these franchisee are just their own counts/countesses of their own demesne with orders coming from the king and them paying a tax to the king, meaning they all are just small businesses (as weird as that sounds) using the branding of Mcdonalds and popularity of it to drag in customers. This is also ignoring the fact that many of these fast food shops were able to stay open with very minor interruption with their workflow besides closing down their main dining rooms and that is the far larger problem at hand. Why should a company who may be slightly affected by these lockdowns be paid for still being able to operate if not making even more money than prior.


The sadder part is its probably only now. Its not that rare to have cops rehired in the same jurisdiction once the heat dies down and possible be eligible for backpay.


Its iffy, while I dislike what Reddit is doing (sort of the reason why I’m here). It is a bit questionable since now they are directing people to their tech support site for conversation I guess the only saving grace is there is a minecraft forum that isn’t official. Since its best not lose sight that there has been some controversy recently against Mojang and Minecraft about them monitoring player’s chats and other interactions and banning people from being able to use private servers. Like I can get them banning people from minecraft realms since those are the “official” servers but it is a bit much to have them possibly banning people from private servers who are the ones doing the hosting responsibilities. I am not saying this to be a “free speech abolitionist” since that is a silly path to go down in a black and white manner, I fully support Lemmy.world and Kbin de-federating with exploding heads since the garbage they were posting were seen and affect the larger fedeverse or whatever its called but with the defederation, explodingshead still exists in its own space where they can do whatever they want but a full proper deletion of that is a bit more objectionable. So to cycle back I just see Mojang overstepping their boundaries and not respecting their players to make an informed choice, I’m all for a accessible banlist that private server can choose to enforce but its problematic for them to have to enforce it when the server hosts should have the right to do as they wish since they are spending the money for the hardware to host said server.


It just seems Valve wants to avoid the legal minefield that is AI art, so the stance they take is just not allowing such things until there is legal precedent and with the advancing field I imagine something will occur within the next 5-10 years (if not in the next year or so). We can question the ethics of AI art and the commercialization of it but things do get a bit murky when we try to shove AI art/AI generative tools into a singular box. It would be like I insinuate that a selfie portrait is in any way comparable to a higher forms of photography like the “Saigon Execution”, it would be downright insulting to have a photo that embodied many people’s feelings of the Vietnam war in such a macabre photo to someone doing fucking duck lips at a black mirror for updoots or what the fuck ever people do selfies for. It seems rather unrealistic to say the process of using generative AI poisons the well (even though some argue it should) but where do we draw the line, doing touch up or drawing over it in a photo manipulation software does that make its own original work now? Like said don’t know until there is legal precedent.
