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Ig thats where most of my confusion comes from, to me saying sth is a “spectrum” always evokes sth along the lines of gay <--------------------> straight (ie one dimensional) with things mapping into this interval. But ig if you also include more than one axis in your meaning of “spectrum” there wouldn’t be as straight forward of an ordering for any given “spectrum”. + Like @saigot@lemmy.ca said technically even the 1 dimensional spectrum can have more than one order and the “obvious” one is just obvious because we are used to it from another context not because its specifically relevant to this situation.


How is a spectrum supposed to not have a total ordering? To me saying sth is a spectrum always invokes an image of being able to map to/represent the property as an interval (unbounded or bounded) which should always give it a total ordering right?


Thanks for the detailed explanation on the sysreq keys & when & how to use them for unlocking a frozen system :D. Also for the systemctl bit because i wasnt even sure what to do if i had gotten to a console lol.


It’s fixed in 6.8.10 and 6.9 if you have the ability to upgrade to those.

Honestly idk how id even begin to do that lol, and id also maybe rather not start my first week of linux use by immediately trying to change the kernel version on my own XD (either down or up). I did hear about an issue with rdr2 and kernel 6.8.9 from a reddit post which i found through someone writing about problems with the game on its protondb page. But i thought i was fine as my game worked normally until i encountered the crash & because the reddit and protondb post say its solved by enabling rebar which (iirc) i already have.

However idk if that reddit posts issue is the same/related to the one you linked. Since the rest of the game and my system seem to be mostly fine i think ill either just not play the game or specifically avoid the cutscene when i do (its in an optional quest luckily). And then ill maybe return to it after the updated kernel arrives on fedora to see if it solves the crash or not.


Thanks for the link! I managed to set up sysrq with it, which might have saved me from reinstalling steam when the crash occurred the second time (see the update in my post).


I feel like this isn’t quite fair to math, most of these can apply to school math (when taught in a very bad way) but not even always there imo.

Its true that math notation generally doesn’t give things very descriptive names, but most of the time, depending on where you are learning and what you are learning, symbols for variables/functions do hint at what the object is supposed to be E.g.: When working in linear algebra capital letters (especially A, B, C, D as well as M) are generally Matrices, v, w, u are usually vectors and V, W are vector spaces. Along with conventions that are largely independent of the specific math you are doing, like n, m, k usually being integers, i or j being indices, f and g being functions and x, y, z being unknowns.

Also math statements should be given comments too. But usually this function is served by the text around the equations or the commentary given along side them, so its not a direct part of the symbolic writing itself (unlike comments being a direct part of source code). And when a long symbolic expression isn’t broken up or given much commentary that is usually an implicit sign that it should be easy/quick for the reader to understand/derive based on previously learned material.

Finally there’s also the Problem with having to manipulate the symbols. In Code you just write it and then the computer has to deal with it (and it doesn’t care how verbose you made a variable name). But in math you are generally expected to work with your symbolic expressions and manipulate them. And its very cumbersome to keep having to rewrite multi-letter names every time you manipulate an expression. Additionally math is still generally worked on in paper first, and then transferred into a digital/printed format second, so you can’t just copy + paste or rely on auto completion to move long variable names around, like you might when coding.


Where is this from?

I love seeing conspiracy/crank types do anything with math.


I’m still curious as to whether there’s an easier way to do this than simply updating the global position, by script, to match the pose’s.

I’m not sure if this is what you want but maybe you could use the BoneAttachment3D Node?


Wow thanks for the quick and detailed answer :D. Ive used a variation of the autoload script you provided and it works great.

on my machine it corresponds to the window order in the taskbar.

I tried that at first too but its not very reliable on my machine and it seem they can be in any order on my taskbar.

(I actually went back and checked now that i can easily tell which one it is and it appears like it is often, but not always, the one last in my taskbar (out of 3 open instances). ~30%-50% of the time it can also be the second to last one and i recall it even being the first one in the taskbar at least once)


For anyone who wants more, there is !possums@possumpat.io and !opossums@lemmy.world
